~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Thursday, August 11, 2011

8 months...

In a weeks time, it's going to be exactly 8 months...Amazing huh...my baby bump is so obvious now..starting from my 6th month of pregnancy, the bump grew little by little and now it's a big, round bump..when I look at myself in the mirror, i smile to myself, thinking Allah's creation is really wonderful...Syukur Alhamdullilah that I'm able to carry baby of my own...Inilah keistimewaan menjadi seorang wanita :)...Going through this whole of 6th and 7th months is really tiring..some people said after the 5 month, it will be ok..but just like how I expected, the tiredness, exhausted feeling is still there...now added with short of breath, difficulties to sleep at night, cramps and body aches getting worse..and my movement became slower..I can't walk the usual speed...When I walk with Miel,  he stops, waits for me and then start walking again..mmg x larat nak jalan laju2 dah..there's one thing that take all these tiredness and pain away..my baby's movement:)...I can feel the kick, the stretching...and one thing i noticed, my baby moves a lot when I'm not talking..but when I do especially with Miel, my baby's silent..as if listening to what we're talking..more like eavesdropping...hehe..Last week, I went for 3D scan, and it's good to know that everything's fine..The doctor said, "I think you're eating very well..Your baby is growing fine" :P...So after this I will try to cut down on carbohydrates and I've stopped drinking ANMUM milk because at this time baby's growth gets higher...I want my baby to be healthy...not overweight...Oh yeah, by the way, the sex of my baby is confirmed..But I'm not announcing it..Miel and I have agreed on that..Let it be a surprise...:)