~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Friday, April 27, 2012


Poor Alya is down with Measles..She was having fever last two days and when we took her to the clinic yesterday, doctor confirmed she has Measles..Hope you get well soon sayang...

PS: I'll get a little worked up if Alya falls sick due to previous incident where she was down with viral fever during 1 month old..Hope Allah protect her always...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Why it took so long....?

Why it took so long for me to start blogging again? The main reason is I'm super busy with my Alya and the other reason is I never find time to blog.Simply put, I was just too lazy! :P...I don't even have enough time to layan Alya..Alya will be turning 7 months soon..She's growing healthy and becoming more active by days..Alya is a friendly baby..Because of this everyone is so fond of her..She enjoys going out and i think she seldom gets tired because I notice she's more active even after a day out...and her sleeping time is still lesser..that has never changed from day 1..only difference is she sleeps well at night and only wakes up for feeding..cute thing is she cries softly with her eyes closed..a sign that she is hungry...Alya has also started on solids(cereal, biscuits and congee)..She's not loving it that much..I was a little worried earlier. When Miel and I took her to her Pediatrician for her checkup(she was down with flu and cough), the doctor claims that for her age she should be drinking more than 20 ounce(from the time I leave to work until I reach home in the evening). He said it's ok and not worry on her milk consumption amount and food intake since she's in good condition and she looks perfectly all right..Now, she's taking solids better than when she started. But she still prefers breast milk.Alya is the type who drinks for a short time but often..Typically, she drinks for about 5 minutes(sometimes lesser!) and then she gets up starts eying what to get her hands on..I have tried to feed her more but she doesn't take it..so I leave it up to her..Feed her as often as she wants..and not even once I complained..except the time when she drinks while she's sleeping and she takes a longer time and I had to pee..hehe..Alhamdullilah, my milk supply has increased.. People claim that milk supply reduces once the baby starts on solid and reaches 6 or 7 months old..But thankfully, I was very determined to go on and provide the best for Alya..Though I had difficulties to wake up middle of the night to do pumping and I pump today for tomorrow's supply, syukur alhamdullilah, I still managed it. There was once my milk supply was low and there was not enough milk for her on that day, my MIL gave her formula milk..and surprising thing is Alya didn't even take it and she starved and waited for her mum to come back home..Pity her :(..But then she's one smart baby right?..Knows what's best for her :)...Indeed, all these comes from Allah :)..Alya, Amma will do my best for you and Insya Allah may my wish and dream to BF you for 2 years will be fulfilled..

PS: Headache is back again..on and off.. i think because I just had potato bun and milo for breakfast..and it's not enough for me :P