~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Appetite

Yesterday, one of our vendor took us for lunch at Pizza Hut..you have no idea how much I love pizza besides MCD...since last week, I don't have appetite to eat...I get hungry but after few spoons of food, I feel want to puke and i couldn't eat more..so I have  tried having one of my favorite food which is pizza..and the feeling is still the same.. the smell of the pizza itself makes me wanna puke..even the image of the MCD prosperity burgers on TV makes me wanna vomit too!!..can you imagine that..being a MCD lover and feeling this way is totally abnormal to me :P...much to my surprise,my boss agreed to belanja Kak L, Zam, and I secret recipe cakes..and 3 of us favorite secret recipe cake is chocolate indulgence..Sadly,I  forced myself to finish the cake but could only take half of it and threw away the remaining :(...I found out I'm able to take milo, cream crackers and my tongue is itching for sour taste like lime, asam..all these sounds like something right..but then for some reason it can't be happening right now..after..hmm...just not putting any hope into it..and trying not to think about it too much..Insya Allah, soon it will happen :)..anyway this wanna-vomit-feeling was really making me uneasy..so after days of struggling, it seems like my appetite is back to normal..since last night's dinner..after eating sardin sambal...my father in law cooked it and it tasted really good..wasn't spicy but it had the sour taste..so maybe that's why i was able to eat last night..even for today's breakfast, i had egg sandwich and a piece of the "green roll kuih with gula melaka coconut filling" ( i don't know what you call it la) and there was no puke feeling!..so I guess it's already okay now..have to see how it goes for the next few days..by the way, if you're wondering about my father in law cooking, yeah, he cooks..and he's a good cook..his specialty is briyani..super sedap!!..a must try :D)

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