I have never really open up my blog to anyone..simply because it's just about something that I have created to scribble my thoughts, about myself, hubby, family, friends and life..but today I have decided to put up this post for a person whom I don't know but this person is a soul, a woman who's fighting for her life..I believe someone somewhere in the corner of this world will come across my blog and read this post and will continue to pass it on..her story(written by her sister in law, Moon) has touched my heart...it was passed on to me by my colleague..You may click the link below to know more..
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If you wish to donate, the details are as below:
Noormawati Mohd Rasif
PS:To K.Norma, Talib, K.Moon,family, semoga tabah dlm menharungi dugaan ni...Insya Allah, kami doakan semoga K.Norma pulih..