~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Monday, September 12, 2011


I'm so tired..I've been pushing myself to do chores and handle work..my body can't take it anymore and it begs for rest..my feet is  swollen really bad up till my knees..can't even bend it..I have only about 11 days more..from meeting my baby..though the due date is in early Oct, the doc said I'll be delivering 2 weeks earlier..What ever it is, all that matters to me, is about my baby..I want my baby to be in good health and panjang umur, INSYA ALLAH...

PS:Tgh tggu boss approve cuti start dr esok..haih..ape la susah sgt nak approve cuti org yg tgh sakit ni..patutnye ambik exec baru masuk...kesian colleague2 aku ni..dah la x cukup staff, n skrg ni kena support keje aku sekali..mintak maap ye kekawan... aku tau korang memahami...

Monday, September 5, 2011

36 weeks and turned 27

Coming this Thursday I'm on my 36th week of pregnancy...Exactly 9 months...I'm starting to feel nervous as it gets closer..I really can't imagine or what to expect during my delivery..all I hope and doa to Allah that everything will go well, and that myself and my child will be in good health and may the delivery process goes fine...and for someone whom have been going through some complications from the beginning of 3rd trimester, I seem to get more worried and scared..Now I  understand the meaning of becoming a mother..Carrying the baby for 9 months..and how protective and concern you become towards the baby even before it's born in this world...how you are willing to go through the pains then letting your own baby go through it...My mum have done the same thing for me..and same goes for all mothers..Truly, mothers are great :)

I turned 27  two weeks ago..which was on Friday, 26th of August...spent the day before and on my birthday walking in and out of hospital..haihhh..anyway, got the chance to escape work and hubby was there to spend time with me..and yeah, he did give me present..in cash..told me to get me anything that I want...hehe..was planning to get a new phone, handbag, sunglasses or a white gold bracelet..but already got a handbag using the raya+bday money my dad gave me :P...didn't have time to survey for phones and bracelets so the bday money given by Miel is still untouched :P...