~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Monday, September 12, 2011


I'm so tired..I've been pushing myself to do chores and handle work..my body can't take it anymore and it begs for rest..my feet is  swollen really bad up till my knees..can't even bend it..I have only about 11 days more..from meeting my baby..though the due date is in early Oct, the doc said I'll be delivering 2 weeks earlier..What ever it is, all that matters to me, is about my baby..I want my baby to be in good health and panjang umur, INSYA ALLAH...

PS:Tgh tggu boss approve cuti start dr esok..haih..ape la susah sgt nak approve cuti org yg tgh sakit ni..patutnye ambik exec baru masuk...kesian colleague2 aku ni..dah la x cukup staff, n skrg ni kena support keje aku sekali..mintak maap ye kekawan... aku tau korang memahami...

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