This entry was meant to be posted on Wednesday, 5/12/12....
I have a very bad temper..Seriously, if I say this to my friends and colleagues, they wouldn't believe it...but ask my family, Miel;they know how quick I can snap or get angry over certain things. whem I'm with my friends and at work, I could control my anger..Even with users, no matter how annoying they get sometimes..but today, I'm seriously pissed off with one of the manager in my dept..I don't know if I should talk about her **t***e** here.. I think I shall not..simply because she's not worth it to talk about on my blog!!!..So I will just leave it here and ignore her behavioral problem....................
I have another problem..difficulties to wake up from sleep..haha..i know it's norm for us to feel lazy and most of the time we practically drag ourselves off the bed in the morning..for me is the same too..I tend to wake late for work and have Miel keep repeating this until we get in the car, "Cepat cepat, sudah lambat"..there were times where he got pretty annoyed and started's not only about getting up late which is causing us to be late to work..but it's the process of preparing for work-wash Alya's dirty clothes, wash and sterilize the pumping gadgets and feeding bottles, etc at 6.30am when i'm actually supposed to be dressed up in my office attire and ready for work..In the beginning when Alya was around 2 months, I was "rajin"-pumping at 3am, getting up early, etc..All of sudden after couple months, got lazier :P..but now things are changing(hope so)..starting last Thursday, I was able to settle all the household chores before going to bed and also succeeded in attempting tandem pumping..The result: I felt good going to bed with "hati yang senang"..and even waking up in the morning was not so difficult. Thanks to myself for managing to push myself further and change for better..and also thanks to a member of KIM(Kump Ibu Menyusu) in Facebook whom I have engaged to share my breastfeeeding journey and also to talk about on how to exclude formula milk at least until the age of 2 and boost up my milk production
I have a very bad temper..Seriously, if I say this to my friends and colleagues, they wouldn't believe it...but ask my family, Miel;they know how quick I can snap or get angry over certain things. whem I'm with my friends and at work, I could control my anger..Even with users, no matter how annoying they get sometimes..but today, I'm seriously pissed off with one of the manager in my dept..I don't know if I should talk about her **t***e** here.. I think I shall not..simply because she's not worth it to talk about on my blog!!!..So I will just leave it here and ignore her behavioral problem....................
I have another problem..difficulties to wake up from sleep..haha..i know it's norm for us to feel lazy and most of the time we practically drag ourselves off the bed in the morning..for me is the same too..I tend to wake late for work and have Miel keep repeating this until we get in the car, "Cepat cepat, sudah lambat"..there were times where he got pretty annoyed and started's not only about getting up late which is causing us to be late to work..but it's the process of preparing for work-wash Alya's dirty clothes, wash and sterilize the pumping gadgets and feeding bottles, etc at 6.30am when i'm actually supposed to be dressed up in my office attire and ready for work..In the beginning when Alya was around 2 months, I was "rajin"-pumping at 3am, getting up early, etc..All of sudden after couple months, got lazier :P..but now things are changing(hope so)..starting last Thursday, I was able to settle all the household chores before going to bed and also succeeded in attempting tandem pumping..The result: I felt good going to bed with "hati yang senang"..and even waking up in the morning was not so difficult. Thanks to myself for managing to push myself further and change for better..and also thanks to a member of KIM(Kump Ibu Menyusu) in Facebook whom I have engaged to share my breastfeeeding journey and also to talk about on how to exclude formula milk at least until the age of 2 and boost up my milk production
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