~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How much do I miss it?

Very very very much..I miss blogging..seriously, I just realized today morning how much I missed it..So many happenend for the past 7 months(from the time of my last post in April)..good things, bad things, happy and sad moments..With having so much in my head and heart that I need to pour out, I'm stuck on what I should talk about..about Alya Zahra?..Miel(nak ckp pasal ape :P)??..My breastfeeding journey??..Family and friends??..My so-called Everyday-is-a-happy-day Life??..Probably I should take one step at a time.. Let's start with my "penyeri hidupku"- the heart of my life: Alya Zahra..Alya has turned "1" in Sept..She's now 1 year 2 months and 11 days..big girl already :D..She has started to walk right after her birthday and we have been running after her ever since! No matter how many times she fell and there were couple of times she got injured(she fell face forward and her teeth/gums bleed) and cried uncontrollably, yet she never stopped..she continued with her still unstable walk..Alya is still on mother's milk and starting October I have introduced formula milk..again..I'm not very happy with this as my goal, dream, wish was to feed her with mother's milk until she reaches the age of 2. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do so because I was down with a very bad diarrhea, gastric, headaches and vomiting. Thus, these are the reasons my milk production was reducing and was not enough for Alya..Will talk on the BF part on another post. Let's continue on our princess here...Alya has a very poor appetite for solid food from the day I started solids on her. At least from 7months until 9 months plus, she was taking solid foods well..mainly porridge made with vegetables and chicken..Alya was also an eczema baby..So at one point I  had to stop all those food she was allergic to especially chicken and fish..After she's 10months old, she wasn't interested in food at all..biscuits, rice, etc..It really depends on her mood...She eats very little and she has become really thin but alhamdullilah, her weight was an average weight and she always been in a good health and active child...And did I mention Alya is a fast learner?..She can pick up some things that you say to her pretty quick.There was once my father in law said to her in Tamil, "What is my(father in law)'s name? and he mentioned his name to her..and she said it right away..super cute!...She can say "Mummy", "Atta", "Ma", "Pappa" and some of my family member's name...She's also a talkative and you can just listen to her chatterring and singing in baby language the whole day and feel so entertained...One surprising character of Alya is she's get over excited watching football on tv..She screams excitedly, jump and laugh while watching football..No 1 Football Supporter..Supporter2 MU, Liverpool , etc confirm kalah dgn Alya..Miel is so proud of this..Hmm, looks like Miel already dpt "geng bola" :)..

PS:Semoga Alya Zahra membesar menjadi anak yang bijak, baik budi bicara and solehah.

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