~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Now I'm in 19th week of pregnancy..It's almost 5 months..How time flies!...To Miel, it feels that time is slow..He feels that I have been pregnant for long..haha...Recently, I'm facing new symptoms-CRAMPS..and it's getting worse by day...especially during the night..cramps on my legs( from thigh until my feet) and cramps around stomach and abdomen area...When the cramps occur, I start to wince and hold the cramp area..Even when I sneeze, I get cramps..So basically simple task like getting up from a sitting position, sneezing has turn into a painful task..Oh yeah, the sneezing affects my bladder as well...well, you know what I mean right?...Like yesterday morning, I couldn't get up from bed due to the cramps..I told Miel I;m taking MC..and he's more than happy if I decide to take MC or leave..He's always trying to make sure I get enough rest...Didn't even realize when he left for work..I could only remember him saying, "Sleep first..don't stress..take your time, wake up and then leave to mother's hse..When you're leaving, call me k"..and then he came next to me, tuck me in bed and laid the blanket over me.As usual,  felt touched by his action and I was smiling inside..Hmm, makes me wonder if I will receive the same attention when I''m pregnant with a second child..On the way to mother's hse, i drop by to the nearby clinic..Main reason is to get MC..coz I sort of know these cramps are normal during pregnancy..hehe..Miel said maybe I got the cramps due to too much of work the day before..The day before, on a Sunday, I did some chores..washed our room toilet, swept the floor, cooked breakfast(maggi goreng), lunch(rice, fish curry, fried fish and nuggets and fried french beans), dinner(nasi goreng)...Well, I willingly wanted to cook though he mentioned to have lunch at Kenny Rogers..It's a craving I have been having for so long but somehow I could still control it..Seems like Miel is the one so eager to take me to Kenny Rogers.Lol...Nevertheless, I've to admit by the end of the day, I was exhausted when cooking dinner..Still, it's all worth it to cook a 3 full meals for dearest hubby! :)..Anyway, besides the cramps, nothing has really changed since my first month of pregnancy..the nausea, tiredness, abdomen and stomach pain are still there..I guess I have to endure all these until my 9th month and honestly, I'm not complaining..All I am doing here is expressing what I have been going through and what soon-to-mum will go through..Of course it doesn't happen to everyone..some of us have a perfect,smooth journey throughout the 9 months..Whatever it is, the most important thing is the Baby...Baby must be in good health and condition..Insya Allah, my baby grows up healthily in my womb..:)

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