~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yup..it's getting worse.."The Nausea"..I could still eat but the portion is much smaller and I eat much slower now than usual..On Monday I was on leave so I went to lepak at mum's place..The day before she cooked nasi briyani with beef sambal and she kept it for me..I enjoyed it especially the beef....though it was a little spicy for me, I was still licking away the sambal...that's when I realized I could take beef(not sure if it depends on way of cooking it)..So as at now,  the food that tasted really good on my tongue are sardine(actually i prefer mackerel but some articles says king mackerel has high in mercury and should avoid it but I'm not sure if king mackerel is the same as the canned mackerel, confuse?????), roti jala and chicken curry(mum's recipe), beef(mum's recipe as well), anddddddddd ikan bilis(Miel's recipe..hehe)...I told Miel 2 or 3 days ago that I felt like eating his sambal ikan bilis(anchovies sambal)..and last night, he cooked it for dinner..through out the whole day, the nauseous was really bad..my mum in law cooked chicken briyani for lunch and I could eat..a bit at least..to get rid of nausea,I drank lime water and even suck lime juice out of the fruit itself....The sour taste was good but it was just temporary and the nausea feeling will come back..later at night, when I ate butter toasted bread with sambal ikan bilis made by Miel, I felt really good..the sambal was so tasty that I was hoping there was some leftover after dinner last night..Unfortunately, there was none..mum in law laughed when i asked her for the sambal and she said, "why didn't you  tell me earlier?..I would have kept some"..I giggled back and said it's ok...When I told Miel the sambal was nice, he was like, "Really arrr, that good ar?" :P..I can't deny the fact that the ikan bilis sambal tasted yummy and it took away all those nauseous feeling for that night..thanks to Miel :)...

PS:By the way, "The Nausea" has return..:P..Well, it's all for good reason :)

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