~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Gift

I'm so proud to announce that I'm soon to be a..MUM..Wow..It's so amazing..I still haven't get over the fact that I'm a wife :P..If you have read my previous posts, it's pretty loud and clear..hehe.....Well,anyway it's what I and Miel have been expecting for..a child of our own..and Syukur Alhamdullilah, Allah have given us the most precious gift..I pray the baby in me will always be in good health..have a long live..dilindungi dr segala penyakit and malapetaka..semoga dia menjadi seorang yg soleh atau solehah..dikurniakan akal fikiran yg cerdas, bijaksana, alim and beramal..and semoga anakku ini sentiasa di jalan yg diredhai oleh Allah SWT.

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