~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Gift

I'm so proud to announce that I'm soon to be a..MUM..Wow..It's so amazing..I still haven't get over the fact that I'm a wife :P..If you have read my previous posts, it's pretty loud and clear..hehe.....Well,anyway it's what I and Miel have been expecting for..a child of our own..and Syukur Alhamdullilah, Allah have given us the most precious gift..I pray the baby in me will always be in good health..have a long live..dilindungi dr segala penyakit and malapetaka..semoga dia menjadi seorang yg soleh atau solehah..dikurniakan akal fikiran yg cerdas, bijaksana, alim and beramal..and semoga anakku ini sentiasa di jalan yg diredhai oleh Allah SWT.


for you dear baby :)..Ma and Papa are so excited to meet you in another 8 months :)..We're already loving you and you will always be loved unconditionally :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yup..it's getting worse.."The Nausea"..I could still eat but the portion is much smaller and I eat much slower now than usual..On Monday I was on leave so I went to lepak at mum's place..The day before she cooked nasi briyani with beef sambal and she kept it for me..I enjoyed it especially the beef....though it was a little spicy for me, I was still licking away the sambal...that's when I realized I could take beef(not sure if it depends on way of cooking it)..So as at now,  the food that tasted really good on my tongue are sardine(actually i prefer mackerel but some articles says king mackerel has high in mercury and should avoid it but I'm not sure if king mackerel is the same as the canned mackerel, confuse?????), roti jala and chicken curry(mum's recipe), beef(mum's recipe as well), anddddddddd ikan bilis(Miel's recipe..hehe)...I told Miel 2 or 3 days ago that I felt like eating his sambal ikan bilis(anchovies sambal)..and last night, he cooked it for dinner..through out the whole day, the nauseous was really bad..my mum in law cooked chicken briyani for lunch and I could eat..a bit at least..to get rid of nausea,I drank lime water and even suck lime juice out of the fruit itself....The sour taste was good but it was just temporary and the nausea feeling will come back..later at night, when I ate butter toasted bread with sambal ikan bilis made by Miel, I felt really good..the sambal was so tasty that I was hoping there was some leftover after dinner last night..Unfortunately, there was none..mum in law laughed when i asked her for the sambal and she said, "why didn't you  tell me earlier?..I would have kept some"..I giggled back and said it's ok...When I told Miel the sambal was nice, he was like, "Really arrr, that good ar?" :P..I can't deny the fact that the ikan bilis sambal tasted yummy and it took away all those nauseous feeling for that night..thanks to Miel :)...

PS:By the way, "The Nausea" has return..:P..Well, it's all for good reason :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Trip To India

The title should have been in my blog 2 months ago. I was on a trip with my in laws family: my parents in law, sister in law, her husband, and their kid, husband's grandmother, husband's grandmother's sister and her husband, and the list goes on..yup, a huge group around 12 of us went to India - to mine and husband's kampung from the 25th Dec 10 - 2nd Jan 11. Unfortunately, Miel couldn't join me on this trip due to some unforeseen circumstances. Well I was the one whom decided to go since my in law's family are going..Moreover, my parents were there..they were there for one of my cousin's wedding...It was really an enjoyable trip..after 19 years returning to India was something that I really look forward.. during my first visit there, I was just 7 years old and I always remembered that I liked India despite the cleanliness problem which reminds me of something I saw the moment my feet stepped on the land of India..Myself and family just reached the Madras(now known as Chennai) railway station. We walked out of the station to the row of taxis parked in front of it. I can't remember whether my dad was talking to one of the taxi drivers there..can't really remember that part...I was looking around and when i turned to my right, I was utter shock to see a man squatting and sh******!!!..since then, the image have been "haunting" me..lol...Sadly, this didn't change till today..anyway, the 2nd trip to India was so fun-1)trip to the beaches at my kampung and another kampung named Athanggara...the beaches are so clean, beautiful and breathtaking..on the 3rd day there, i walked to my kampung's beach with my parents...it 's far k.tiap hari jln confirm kurusnyee..hehe...2)attend my cousin's wedding...the  function was held at my grandpa's home(my mum's father)...my uncle, aunty, mum's cousins, cousin's wife, and children were all there for the whole week of my cousin's wedding...it was nice to see my aunties preparing the dishes all by themselves..and not even a second my aunties could keep silent while preparing the dishes..ade je benda yg they all buat lawak and will be laughing all the time..very funny and jovial people :)...despite being super busy with the wedding , my aunties and grandma will ask, "Hanizah, have you eaten??".."you must be hungry..come eat first"...:)..they were so concerned about me...when I came to my grandma's house and everyone knew I came, my relatives hugged me and they looked so happy to see me especially my grandmas( my mum's mother and my grandfather's sister)...3)shopping!..though it was a last minute shopping, I still managed to grab some punjabi suit clothes and blouse for me and my family...there was this pink punjabi cloth i choose for myself..and i totally love it!..but it got ruined by the tailor over there..hmmphh..(hopefully the tailor over here can repair it)..my colleagues asked me to buy saris for them..i looked high and low for the type of sari my colleagues asked..but I couldn't find and I was afraid to just buy for the sake of buying..anyway, I did bought them some souvenirs...4)celebrated new year for the 2nd time in my life at Ramnad, a town about 30 - 40 mins away from my kampung...my husband's cousin invited me, my sister in law and her hubby to a newly open restaurant..it's owned by one of  her relative and they were having new year celebration..i don't celebrate new years..I decided to go just to eat some good food..haha..to sum it all up it was an amazing trip though I wasn't feeling well few days before leaving to Malaysia...the main reason I wanted to go India is to visit my hubby's kampung and meet his relatives..Indeed, I was happy to meet them and they were so happy and excited to see me as well..yeah la, menantu la katakan :P...

But what made me really happy was seeing my hubby after being away for 10 days...few days before leaving to India, I asked him, "so you will be having fun without me"...then he said, "kat org je ckp mcm tu, but dlm hati ni I je yg tau kesedihan ni..hmm, i didn't know that he was really sad to be away from me...he's so unpredictable :P...when he walked towards me while I was waiting for him outside the airport, I realized how much I missed him...he came near me and put his arm around me, i just laid on his chest for few seconds..and there was this lady who notice this and were looking at us..she was even looking at us after we walked past her..hehehe...so the moment i got into the car, I told him this is the 1st and last I'm going anywhere far without you...and he just nodded...and .I told myself, "selagi ade hayat dikandung badan ni, takkan ku tinggalkan sayang".. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Everyday is a happy day.......

that's my status on FB.. just updated it about 30mins ago..though it's such a nuisance to deal with users especially every single day(Thank god I don't have to work on weekends. It will take a toll on my life!!), doing all these IT troubleshooting, managing the system/servers, I still keep myself cheerful, try my level best not to loose my patience with users(on my condition now, i should really be in control) and not even a single day passed without a laugh at work..Thanks to my crazy, funny colleagues :)...Seriously work seems less stressful when I have these people around...I bet each of them feeling the same way too...No matter how tensed we are, facing all those rude users, getting "hentam" from bosses, we really make time to have a little chit chat, joke around and laugh out loud...the famous Charlie Chaplin quote goes like this:

A day without laughter is a day wasted. ;)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


All of sudden I miss Miel..not sure why..Probably after reading my friend's blog about her and her "Miel"...or is it because of my condition now is turning me into a more emotional person :P...

This heart of mine is yearning to to hear his laughter, see his smile, feel his warm hug, feel his loving touch..It feels good to be loved and I'm glad I'm loved by you, my dearest hubby@Miel...I can't wait to return home and be in your arms...........

More cravings

I have been having cravings..wonder why ar?..hehe..Anyway, I was thinking about caramel pudding today and fortunately, there was this stall at pasar tani opposite my office sells it...bought 1 ..and tried it..and the taste was delicious!..so went down to the pasar tani again and bought another 2..haha..

Double Happiness

I can't believe it..I'm so thankful to Allah and words can't explain how happy I am :)

~~Stay tune to find out why :p~~

Mission #3

1) Pretzel*ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

2) Maggi*ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

 3) Roti Jala with thick chicken curry *ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

Yabba dabba doooooo(Fred Flinstone's catchphrase)..hehe..finally mission 3 was successfully accomplished last week Tuesday. I was having flu and headache so I was MC on that day. Due to the flu, I was tempted to drink the Maggi Curry soup..Thinking that there's one maggi packet at home, I went back home straight from clinic..But found there was none and my mother in law went to the shop to buy for me..hehehe..I said to her that I can eat bread but she insists to buy maggi..She said, "Eat what you prefer and like"...hehe..Eating maggi after so long was really nice..especially when you're having flu and the mild spicy taste of the curry soup makes you feel better..:)