~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Monday, August 30, 2010

Miel,another day has passed..Now left to 2 more Sundays for our BIG day :)

Pink Watch...

Mum promised to get me a new watch for my birthday:) so last Saturday we went to Subang Parade. The actual reason we went there was because there was a Parkson warehouse sale and my dad wanted to do his Raya shopping. I didn';t find anything i like at the warehouse...just bought a track suit..and then decided to walk around the mall..left my parents busy choosing clothes in the warehouse:P..I'm actually 'hunting' gift for Miel..I can't find the ideal gift over here..found it online, on some overseas website but they don't deliver to Malaysia:(...As much as I expected, I didn;t find anything suitable to present to him in subang parade..so i decided to shop for myself pulak..hehe..saw some nice handbags in parkson but it was a little too pricey(what to do, have to save money:P)...then i came to the dorothy perkins clothes and the jeans was on promotion..tried on the size 8 and it got stuck at the hips!..asked the sales girl for a different size and the size __ fits me( not planning to reveal the size k..haha)..happily paid for it and went to look for my mum who was sitting at the chair, waiting impatiently for me and my dad...earlier while i was walking around the mall, she called my mobile and grumbling over the phone, "Where are you??!!..you planning to go around the mall the whole day and not go back home..your dad pulak still shopping"...I thought to myself, "Maaaaa, not again...."..hehe...when we walked out of parkson, there was a shoes+handbags shop..of course I couldn't resist myself from not going in:P...this time my mum found something she realllyyyyy liked-a handbag :)...the price was ok..around rm150..after discount..she said she wants to use the money I gave her..she was thinking twice if she should get it because of the price..she said, "Never mind la, expensive la"..then we walked out of the shop..we were just 2 feet away from the shop when suddenly she was like, "The handbag is nice la..I want to get it" and went into the shop again...I burst into laughter..hahah..she's improving in shopping matters :P...after that went to look for a watch for me..but the watch which I saw in sunway pyramid 2 weeks ago is not available over here..not even in it's own boutique..Therefore,I suggested to go to pyramid..Unfortunately, I couldn't remember which floor the watch shop is located..We were like walking up and down the escalators..and my parents started complaining tired of walking..luckily i found the shop before they start getting fed up..hehe..I tried a number of watches and finally below is the watch i choose( it's pink colorrrrrrr...hehe) and I simply love it!! ..thanks Ma..Love you lots!! :)

 My new pink watch :)

and I bought this perfume in Body Shop
sweet, floral, romantic smell ..love it! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

overdose of happiness

Due to an overdose of happiness for the past 2 days(25th and 26th), I over slept after sahur today..hehe..Luckily, Selangor is on public holiday today..so the road was clear...no traffic jam...everyday macam ni kan best...Anyway, I just realized that there are two unexpected, happy things happened this week, which was on the 25th and 26th...Syukur Alhamdullilah..:) (you can read my earlier posts to know what are those things)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Becoming 26 on the 26th

It's the last day of celebrating this day as a single person...after this, will be celebrating with my other half as his wife..:)..Insya Allah...Received my first wish for this year from my other half@Miel..He asked me "Do you want me to say something"..I laughed and i said usually i ask u that..and he said "well, for a change"...only after he wished me, I knew why he asked me that Q..:)...today morning around 9am, i received a call from an unknown number...I thought to myself this must be another call from some company trying to promote some discount card..I have been getting such calls lately..with an irritated tone i answered the call...the person asked "Ni Cik.... ke"...."Saye dr "I-do-not-know-what-is-the-name-" delivery service."Cik, ni nak hantar brg, betul ke alamatnye*and he read out my office address*...kul 10.30 nanti saye nak hantar brg, cik ade kat ofis x?...I answered, "Ade", and i asked "Nak hantar brg ape ye"...The guy said,"kad n bungkusan"..then he hung up and I thought to myself, "did i order anything online?..What i ordered??"...A close friend of mine who shares the same day as me called me to wish..I told him about this call I received from some guy from a delivery service company...and my friend replied,"Don't think I send it to you..I will never do that"...Kurang ajar my friend ni!!...then he said, "I'm very sure he(Miel) is the one who sending you something"...but I didn't agree with my friend...I said, "No la, I don't think so"..My friend said, "I bet you "He" is the one"...In my mind, I was wondering what could it be...birthday gift ke?..and it's from whom?..Miel??...or did i ordered something?..and what did i ordered??..(haha..i can even question myself what i ordered)...at 10.35am, I received call from the delivery guy saying that he's at the reception..I walked to the reception and the moment i saw the guy(which i assumed is the delivery guy) holding a bouquet of roses, i had some weird kind of feeling inside...i noticed there was a goodie bag on the table..the guy asked me to sign my name on a sheet of paper ...my hands were trembling that I can;t even sign right...I took the card,bouquet and bag filled with teddy bear and ferrero rocher chocolate..I couldn;t wait until I reach my desk that I just started ripping the card envelope..I was eager to see who's the sender..i read the message quickly and my eyes darted to the From..but there's was no name there..Instead, it was written there "the ....,who is gotta do, what....to do"...Hmmm, who could it be?..then I thought it must be Miel and i decided to give him a call.....My colleagues who notice went "wahhh, wha's the occasion?"..I smiled and replied "My ...day"...and they were like "Oh ye ke" (they forgot about it..hehe...)..I went back to my desk and called Miel right away...I asked, "Did you send me something, a gift....?"..and he replied with his usual tone(sounded a little serious actually:P).."Nope, what gift?...I said, "I received these gift from someone but I do not know who is it from"...He said,"I'm sure there's a name right"...I told him there's no name and read to him what's written on the card...and with a-very-innocent tone, he said,"If i were to send u a gift, I would have wrote my name right"...My tremble got worst...Started to wonder "Aik, who send me this...,is this some prank or something(experienced similar things bfr )?..but something said it must be Miel...I asked him again if it's really him and said that it must be him..He  replied,:"Ok la, if u think i send it, then take it that way la"..I was like "don;t la like that..it is you right..."...then he said ok la and wished me again and asked if i like the gift...That was when I went totally speechless..I never expected it..I told him that I love it and thanked him...I was smiling broadly...He successfully surprised me!...and successfully kenakan me by pretending he;s not the sender..hehe..Such a pleasant surprise:)...and i'm still in surprised,speechless, happy mode :)...I thank you for what you have done for me today..You made my day..anyway, I still can;t get over this you know, Miel...I appreciate it and I'm glad that you;re happy...I know that you are because of me being happy...Again, Thank you love...:)

PS: this time I read the message in the card again word by word, and only now I realized the message holds a deep meaning..:)

 The surprise from Miel :)

 scrumptious blueberry cheese cake..Pappa bought it..thank u Dad! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Yesterday, I was at my desk as usual, busy with work, staring away at the monitor screen and then from the corner of my eye, I saw my Head of Department. I turned my head and the moment I notice the papers in his hands, my lips curved into a smile. I knew what is it. It's what I and all the staffs at my company have been waiting for...Finally,it's here..My HOD came over to my place and gave the my document to me with a smile, and said "Wedding gift ni"..hehehe..Mr..., "wedding gift" from company..from you, it's different...hehe...Anyway,it's not just any ordinary document k..It's a "what-I-deserve-is-paid-off" document..syukur alhamdullilah for what I received..Indeed, rezeki(provision) is given to us by Allah...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Yummy Pretzel

Yesterday, I met up with 2 of my best buddies, Iko and Damo at my usual hang out place, Sunway Pyramid..As usual, Damo is complaining that I didn't even call him since we met on Iko's bday in July..the usual "tak boleh pakai nye" statement never fails to come out from his mouth.."Eh hanizah, now who's working?..I'm a "vetti"(it's penganggur in tamil.)..so you la have to call me..i got no money..bla bla bla.."...I malas wanna layan him on this..haha..Iko was really in hyperactive mode...mana tak hyperactive, she was excitedly doing her shopping..as for me, it wasn;t easy to control myself as there were "SALES" everywhere...I was keep telling myself, "No Hanizah, don't do it..you already spend enough"..well i guess i was able to do this since I'm getting married soon and i know i should start saving..kalau x, i would have definitely brought home 2 or 3 shopping bags..haha..Iko wanted 2 get some pretzels..and i decided to get one for myself since I have never tried it...since there were a few of varieties of Pretzels and I couldn't decide on which, Iko suggested the caramel almond Pretzel...the Pretzel was hot and warm and I was tempted to eat it but too bad I can't because I was fasting:P...Later then, I bought some toiletries stuff and bid goodbye to them as I have to leave early...spent rest of the evening sleeping and helped mum prepare for buka puasa...Luckily after tarawih prayers, I remembered about the Pretzel...and mmmm mmmmm, the combination of caramel and alamond..so sweet and yummylicious...and I'm craving for more..thanks Iko, for introducing the Pretzel to me..actually I have always wondered if it tastes nice and I never thought of trying it out :P

sedappnyeeeeee Pretzel!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The "Sun" is feeling gloomy

since yesterday the Sun has been feeling really gloomy,moody..Don;t know what is the concrete reason the Sun is feeling these way...Probably it's due to something that made the Sun upset..It's normal to get upset or merajuk(bunyi mcm poyo je:P)..but it;s not sensitive...If not our loved ones, with whom else we gonna sulk kan?...Hopefully the Sun will be shining brightly tomorrow though it's a Monday :P..n by the way, there's another 3 more Sundays to go..having all those mixed feelings inside...plus i can feel the cold feet is getting worse..macam nak frost bite je..haha

Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh No!!......

I'm having the Wedding/Marriage Cold Feet!!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

1 month away...; )

Today, at 10.08am, I received a text message from Miel..It says "Exactly 1 month to our big day"..I smiled at the message..The "good things" , "the big decision" that I have been talking about in my earlier posts are about  Miel and Our Coming Soon Wedding Day :-)...So here's the story..I n Miel met on 28 February at a wedding. For me, the moment I saw him, I felt calm ..All those miserable feelings that have been residing inside me the past years, just flew away...I would say, it's more of love at the first sight for me..hehe..He got my mobile number and I was waiting patiently for his call(ye ke patient..haha)..Two days later, I received a call from him. through out our conversation, I  was smiling away. We were just having casual chats and he asked me , "What do you want in a guy?"..I answered, "Kena jawab ke"...and then he said, "I asked a question, so kena jawab la"..That was the first time he made me laugh..When I said, I want someone who is honest,understanding and will love me and take care of me, he said, "I tak honest, I tak romantic..so macam mana??"...He laughed and I just smiled(actually i didn';t even say i want a romantic guy..hehe) ..and that's when it all started. My feelings for him grew:-)...Unlike other couples out there, we hardly meet and don't "gayut" on the phone for hours.Our phone conversations most of the time last for 5-10 mins. I can call him , ask him how he is,and then hung up.Find it weird??..not for me:)...I can sit with him and not say anything and that will be like the best conversation we ever had...One day I sms-ed him-"I believe we are meant to be together"...that simple but meaningful answer made him to decide-decide to spend his life with me..He told his parents if he ever to get married, he wants to marry no one else but me(that's like soooo sweet!!)..2months later, we got engaged and in a months time, we will be tying the knot..We know each other for such a short time but what's more important is the strong feelings we have for each other.. of course, we had arguments, misunderstandings, etc. All these help us to understand each other better and prepare us for life after marriage...Miel is not the sweet talker type or gives praises and he doesn't pretend to be someone else..This my what I love about him...so yeah these past 6 months, have been truly great and wonderful..,It feels good to be happy and smiling always ...the best thing is when the reason behind my smile is Miel :)
There's this hindi movie "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi".(a must watch movie), it means "Match made by God"...and it's true in my case..So this BIG decision is made for us and it's definitely for the best..Dear Miel, I am thankful to Allah for sending you to me..I look forward to build our lives together. Insya Allah with the blessings of our parents and Allah, we will lead a happy, prosperous life..and Miel, thank you to you for accepting me the way I am..I;m loving you and i will always love you and no one can ever replace you...and I am proud to say that I'M YOURS :-))))))

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Decision Made..Right or Wrong??

 Last Saturday, I was reading this month's Reader's Digest . There's one article that caught my attention. It's about the author itself  actually. The author wanted to choose a career path right after he completed school. During his time, which was in the 80's, there were limited options. He had 2 choices: enter the corporate world(business field) or become a doctor. To enable him to make a decision, he did a placement at a multinational company for 1 month followed by a month in a hospital . He got a placement at a bank and he loved the environment. After 1 month, he went on to work at a hospital and the surroundings there was different. The hospital had an intense environment unlike the less stressful environment he experienced at the bank. He thought about the 2 experiences and realized that the business option  will win out. But not until he witnessed an accident. the author helped the victim by sending him to the hospital and fortunately, he survived. When the doctor introduced the author to the victim's family, the author saw grateful smile on their faces. The family thanked him again and again. He thought to himself, "What a feeling this was to help save a person's life!!..at the very moment, he knew  what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He enrolled in a medical college and became a specialist doctor.  At the last paragraph of the article, the author wrote:

"we spend a lot of our time wondering about what path to take in our lives. This experience taught me that sometimes, you don't really have to worry about the big decisions. At times, these decisions are made for you- and that whatever happens is always for the best"

I have made a big decision in my life last 6 months. and just like how the author believed, I too believe that this decision is made for me and and it's for the best. if you read my last post, i mentioned that there's something good happening in my life. It has connection with the big decision that i made. tomorrow you will know it.:-)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


One of my favorite thing- Rain...It's raining outside and rain always makes me feel calm and relaxed..and at this moment my all time favorite song is playing in my head..it's the Notting Hill OST : When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating...I love watching Notting Hill and never got bored of it....There are few sweet quotes from this movie...My favorite would be this one: "For June who loved this garden from Joseph who always sat beside her." Some people do spend their whole lives together." ..Nice weather, beautiful song...and it's nice to feel good : )

It's amazing
How you can speak
Right to my heart
Without saying a word,
You can light up the dark
Try as I may
I could never explain
What I hear when
You don't say a thing

The smile on your face
Lets me know
That you need me
There's a truth
In your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand says
You'll catch me
Whenever I fall
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all

All day long
I can hear people
Talking out loud
But when you hold me near
You drown out the crowd
(The crowd)
Try as they may
They could never define
What's been said
Between your
Heart and mine

[Repeat chorus twice]

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know
That you need me

[Repeat chorus]

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know
That you need me

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all) 

PS: One of  the songs  that reminds me of Miel :)

Something good has been going on in my life for the past 6 months..Stay tune and you will know in the next 2 days :-)

the usual tense weekday

another weekday full of tension...working life is like that..when you were in college/university you can burn the midnight oil, slog without sleeping for days(this does not apply to me; I wasn't a very hardworking student :P)..the moment you step into the working environment, your whole life changes...For example, the field that i'm working in which is more to IT Technical stuffs, i have the usual datelines to meet . We have this system where by all the users,both from the head office and branch offices can submit request related to any IT issues/problems, creation of access ID to a particular system,etc..practically, any sorts of IT related matters..so here's where we have datelines...we have to complete any requests assigned to us at the given date. Besides that, troubleshoot/provide support via the phone,email and foot(this is done in my office la)...and then my tasks also involves monitoring two major systems/software(really critical ones!!)..I deal with machines everyday(servers,pcs, etc) that.sometimes i feel that i'm working like a machine..always kena up and running...i want to go to the loo pun tak boleh, users will be asking "dari tadi call mana pergi??"..after all i was away from my desk for 5 or 10 mins!!...so this is the life of an IT-Technical person...stress!!..well any job pun is stressful actually..so since i feel stressed out now, I'm gonna pack my things and head back home!!!..haha...it's time go back!!!..yippieee!!!!..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yesterday, I was too exhausted to look for cakoi...I have been working the past two days which means i spent my weekend at office..I straight went back home and landed on the bed and slept off until it was buka puasa time...seems like no matter how high my craving for cakoi was, I "mengalah" jugak..mengalah kepada "tidur"..haha..There was nothing much happened yesterday..just like any other day..but I came to realize about something...We, humans do make mistakes..and we learned from it...but it's best not to repeat the mistake again and again..that's how it should be..same goes for saying the wrong thing..saying it wrong once, twice is fine..but more than that might hurt the people you love..and don;t be judgmental...I also came to my senses about certain behavior of mine and in the process of changing that certain behavior/attitude...I didn't realize it all these while until yesterday...Well, I'm not an Angel :P..just a normal human being whom made lots of mistakes in life..at least it's better to realize now then never!
Anyway I'm missing Miel..The phone is in my room upstairs and I;m down here as usual "dating" with Facebook :P...I run up 2 my room, hoping there's a message from Miel..and the moment i noticed Miel's miss call , there's a relieve feeling inside of me:)...and till now each time both of us hung up, i still have the strong urge to call Miel back..and say..absolutely nothing...only with Miel, there can be a conversation without saying a single word :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I still remember during the puasa month last year, I was craving for cakoi(if you don't know what it is, go google it :P)...Even my mum said, "macam org mengandung je, kempunan nak makan cakoi"...hahaha..and today I'm craving for it again..x kira la...in a while i wanna go back home..and then later i'm going to hunt for cakoi!!..hopefully boleh dapat la! :D

Looking at the pic below, my craving for it increases..mmmmm yummyyyyyy!!...

Working on a Sunday :(

Sunday is truly a lazy day..and it's supposed to be spent sleeping, going shopping:P, or practically do nothing...not working!! The day before we conducted a system maintenance. I came in yesterday in the evening and then went back home for buka puasa and then return back to office and left to home at 11pm..aduiiii...i thought conducting system maintenance should be solving any current problems but end up new problems arises..there's this one server that is keep restarting and don;t know what is the cause of it..and until now it's keep rebooting..so due to that, i had to come in today and build up a new server for it and so far some of the application in the server seems to be running fine(dear new server, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee don't crash k). but there are other application that's not working. so I'm waiting for my colleague to come in and have a look at it. seriously susah la working in this technical field especially when the servers crashes..and you don't have backup for it..kelam kabut la jadinye!!! and you get really stressed out when this happen...and the worst part is most of the time you had to search for the solution to the IT problem/system error yourself, sometimes vendors also can't or not able to help you at the time you needed them the most...and tambah dgn users keep calling, asking "system ade problem ke??"...nak focus on the problem or nak jawab soalan users..pening pening..so mana x tension..am i right?..anyway, seems like so far I have survived working in this field..there were many times i felt quitting..but I had to look for a new,proper job before that..let's see how long more I can become a survivor...hahaha

Saturday, August 14, 2010


yeap, the title says it all..
here i am sitting in front of the monitor and typing away my first entry of my first ever blog..it's just sooo unbelievable.you see i'm not the type who love to write..and seeing myslef doing this, i''m surprised:P
i don;t know what is the exact reason that made me to decide to create a blog of my own..
and neither do i know whether i will be consistently updating my blog or just close it down after a few entries..
let's just wait and see how far will this be going on:)
I have lived in this world for 26 years and i can't be telling over here my 26 years of stories in this blog..hehe..well i would  say about some things that have been going on in my life all these years..happy,sad,good or bad..everything...so stay tuned ok :D