~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Working on a Sunday :(

Sunday is truly a lazy day..and it's supposed to be spent sleeping, going shopping:P, or practically do nothing...not working!! The day before we conducted a system maintenance. I came in yesterday in the evening and then went back home for buka puasa and then return back to office and left to home at 11pm..aduiiii...i thought conducting system maintenance should be solving any current problems but end up new problems arises..there's this one server that is keep restarting and don;t know what is the cause of it..and until now it's keep rebooting..so due to that, i had to come in today and build up a new server for it and so far some of the application in the server seems to be running fine(dear new server, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee don't crash k). but there are other application that's not working. so I'm waiting for my colleague to come in and have a look at it. seriously susah la working in this technical field especially when the servers crashes..and you don't have backup for it..kelam kabut la jadinye!!! and you get really stressed out when this happen...and the worst part is most of the time you had to search for the solution to the IT problem/system error yourself, sometimes vendors also can't or not able to help you at the time you needed them the most...and tambah dgn users keep calling, asking "system ade problem ke??"...nak focus on the problem or nak jawab soalan users..pening pening..so mana x tension..am i right?..anyway, seems like so far I have survived working in this field..there were many times i felt quitting..but I had to look for a new,proper job before that..let's see how long more I can become a survivor...hahaha

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