~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Becoming 26 on the 26th

It's the last day of celebrating this day as a single person...after this, will be celebrating with my other half as his wife..:)..Insya Allah...Received my first wish for this year from my other half@Miel..He asked me "Do you want me to say something"..I laughed and i said usually i ask u that..and he said "well, for a change"...only after he wished me, I knew why he asked me that Q..:)...today morning around 9am, i received a call from an unknown number...I thought to myself this must be another call from some company trying to promote some discount card..I have been getting such calls lately..with an irritated tone i answered the call...the person asked "Ni Cik.... ke"...."Saye dr "I-do-not-know-what-is-the-name-" delivery service."Cik, ni nak hantar brg, betul ke alamatnye*and he read out my office address*...kul 10.30 nanti saye nak hantar brg, cik ade kat ofis x?...I answered, "Ade", and i asked "Nak hantar brg ape ye"...The guy said,"kad n bungkusan"..then he hung up and I thought to myself, "did i order anything online?..What i ordered??"...A close friend of mine who shares the same day as me called me to wish..I told him about this call I received from some guy from a delivery service company...and my friend replied,"Don't think I send it to you..I will never do that"...Kurang ajar my friend ni!!...then he said, "I'm very sure he(Miel) is the one who sending you something"...but I didn't agree with my friend...I said, "No la, I don't think so"..My friend said, "I bet you "He" is the one"...In my mind, I was wondering what could it be...birthday gift ke?..and it's from whom?..Miel??...or did i ordered something?..and what did i ordered??..(haha..i can even question myself what i ordered)...at 10.35am, I received call from the delivery guy saying that he's at the reception..I walked to the reception and the moment i saw the guy(which i assumed is the delivery guy) holding a bouquet of roses, i had some weird kind of feeling inside...i noticed there was a goodie bag on the table..the guy asked me to sign my name on a sheet of paper ...my hands were trembling that I can;t even sign right...I took the card,bouquet and bag filled with teddy bear and ferrero rocher chocolate..I couldn;t wait until I reach my desk that I just started ripping the card envelope..I was eager to see who's the sender..i read the message quickly and my eyes darted to the From..but there's was no name there..Instead, it was written there "the ....,who is gotta do, what....to do"...Hmmm, who could it be?..then I thought it must be Miel and i decided to give him a call.....My colleagues who notice went "wahhh, wha's the occasion?"..I smiled and replied "My ...day"...and they were like "Oh ye ke" (they forgot about it..hehe...)..I went back to my desk and called Miel right away...I asked, "Did you send me something, a gift....?"..and he replied with his usual tone(sounded a little serious actually:P).."Nope, what gift?...I said, "I received these gift from someone but I do not know who is it from"...He said,"I'm sure there's a name right"...I told him there's no name and read to him what's written on the card...and with a-very-innocent tone, he said,"If i were to send u a gift, I would have wrote my name right"...My tremble got worst...Started to wonder "Aik, who send me this...,is this some prank or something(experienced similar things bfr )?..but something said it must be Miel...I asked him again if it's really him and said that it must be him..He  replied,:"Ok la, if u think i send it, then take it that way la"..I was like "don;t la like that..it is you right..."...then he said ok la and wished me again and asked if i like the gift...That was when I went totally speechless..I never expected it..I told him that I love it and thanked him...I was smiling broadly...He successfully surprised me!...and successfully kenakan me by pretending he;s not the sender..hehe..Such a pleasant surprise:)...and i'm still in surprised,speechless, happy mode :)...I thank you for what you have done for me today..You made my day..anyway, I still can;t get over this you know, Miel...I appreciate it and I'm glad that you;re happy...I know that you are because of me being happy...Again, Thank you love...:)

PS: this time I read the message in the card again word by word, and only now I realized the message holds a deep meaning..:)

 The surprise from Miel :)

 scrumptious blueberry cheese cake..Pappa bought it..thank u Dad! :)

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