~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Friday, October 15, 2010

the forgetful me

Earlier I went out to buy breakfast and cash out some money. Tomorrow, myself, Miel and his grandma will be going to Ipoh. My MIL left to Dubai yesterday for 1 month and since all of us are working, my FIL decided to send Miel's grandma to her sister's house in Ipoh. My FIL asked Miel and I to visit my MIL's sister as well and also my youngest uncle who is staying in Kuala Kangsar.Since my credit on handphone is running low and we will be on a long journey tomorrow,  I went to the 123 convenience store for reload. I asked reload of RM20, paid the cashier and walked out. At office, I keyed in the PIN number stated on the reload receipt and I got error message on my mobile screen, "Network Problem" ..Thinking that I have keyed in incorrect PIN number, i tried again couple of times. Still failed. I started to curse the Telco service. Thought there was a problem with the Telco service I'm using. Then, I saw the name of the Telco service on the reload receipt. Darn!!!! Silly me..I accidentally purchased reload of X telco instead of Y..RM20 pulak tu!!..Asked my colleagues around who's using X..Luckily there were 2 colleagues of mine who is using it and sold the reload receipt 1 each..Nasib baik dieorg x mintak reload for free..hehehe...anyway, I don't how I can purchase X reload instead of Y..I don't even remember saying, "Nak reload X ye?" to the 123 convenience store cashier..Haih, I'm such a forgetful person...Like yesterday evening, I left the key on the main door latch of my home..caused panic to my FIL, Miel's aunty and grandma when they came back home seeing the key hanging on the latch...the panic got higher especially for my FIL when he started calling my name and  my mobile but there was no answer...I was so afraid to stay at home alone after "the unwanted incident" happened 2 weeks ago..so right after I came back from work, I switched on the living room light and fan and the kitchen light and went up straight to my room, locked the door, took my bath and laid myself on the bed..too afraid to go downstairs, I stayed in my room and slept off..which is why I didn't answer the calls..I only woke when Miel's aunty knocked on my room door. As i opened the door, I saw Miel's aunty and my FIL was standing next to her.. I noticed the relief look on my FIL's face...I'm so sorry for making you all worried and panicked. I learned my lesson and next time, I will be extra careful and will try my level best not to be so forgetful :P...and I have to learn to be brave...Now I wish, I learned martial arts..I'm sure i will be more brave..Not only that, I can karate anyone who cari pasal with me..:P

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