~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Thursday, September 30, 2010

16 days

It has been exactly 16 days since I last updates my blog. Curious to know where I have been missing these 16 days...well it was all for good :)...Many important events took place in my life..One of the most important ones is my Wedding..yeap, I'm offically a Mrs now...Mrs. AR( Miel's real name :P)..I've been holding the title for 11 days and Insya Allah the title remains for the rest of my life...both of us have been counting the days and finally the moment came....the moment that we have been waiting for..really wonder how fast times flies...I remember 1 day before our wedding, Miel called in the middle of the night..He said he's sleepy but he couldn't fall asleep..I couldn't sleep either..I guess both of us were really nervous thinking about the next day..On my Mehndi night, I wasn't nervous at all but I was nervous that night and the nervousness got even worse during the solemnization(nikah)..but when I saw Miel after he have succesfully 'lafaz' nikah, there was only one thing running in my mind..I'm a wife now...and there's my husband standing in front of me..at that moment itself all I felt was calm :)....the nikah, reception and other ceremonies went on smoothly...syukur Alhamdullilah..I always believe that with parents and families blessings, everything will turn out well...the interesting part about our wedding is that the ceremonies both families conducted to welcome the newly weds..you could see the happiness on the faces of family members..the smiles and laughter..It's just PRICELESS..all these I will cherish for the rest of my life..thank you so much to everyone-my parents, parents in law, my family and my in laws family whom whole heartedly accepted me, friends and of course not forgetting my Love, my hubby...Looking forward to many happy years of living life with you :)

PS:on the next entry, shall talk about how diffcult it was to leave my parents, my siblings...my home

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On A Rainy Day

I was driving to work with my dad next to me like usual. Just about few kilometers away from my office, the cars on the road started to slow down due to the rain. The distance between the car in front of me and mine was about 2 or 3 cars lengths. I notice the brake light on the car  and I stepped on the brake. But my car kept moving and it's not stopping. I panicked and as my car kept moving, I thought I'm going to hit the car which a BMW..Within that few seconds, there were many things running in my mind at the same time..Just few inches away from the bumper of that car, my car finally stopped. I don't know what  happened. I know I didn't step on the accelerator. My foot was on the brake. My dad said what was on my mind, "Careful, your wedding is nearing"..and I could feel my eyes teared. I guess I got panicked that drops of tears started to flow. Saying syukur to Allah that nothing bad happened and I continued driving and reached office safely. Pa asked me to step couple of times on the brake pad so that it will clear off the water. and after doing that, I could feel the bake pads got harder. It seems on a rainy day, the waters tend to splash up on the brake pads, making them slippery.
Ya Allah, please protect me, my family and my loved ones from calamity, disaster..Lindungi la kami dari segala bala, bencana, penyakit dan musibah, Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...Amin

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mr. Right

When I ask some of my friends especially the girls whom are still single, if they have anyone special, they will answer, "Haven't found Mr. Right yet"...this is like the common answer you can expect from most single girls..Trust me, there's no such thing as Mr. Right..you can go hunting to any corner of the world but you will never find one..It's about finding the imperfect person and seeing and accepting the person as who he is..Life will be so much easier and less disappointing if you don;t have high expectations towards your partner (someone taught me this and it took me sometime to agree with it..hehe)..If both parties are able to accept  flaws and still love each other unconditionally, then you have found your soul mate or  maybe your Mr.Right..So I have found my mine. Have you? :)


All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother ~~By Abraham Lincoln~~
Ma, I'm your child, your daughter..no matter what, you don't and never should say sorry to me..Even if you think what you said was not right or I got upset with anything you said, I never expect apologizes from you..You are the best mother I could ever ask for..You have all rights on me simply because I was in you for 9 months, and you nurtured me and took care of me and provide me the best..You will always be my inspiration especially now when I'm going to be married and will someday have a child of my own..I always pray to Allah may you and Pa have a long life and may all your wishes and dreams come true...
Ma,I will always love you!!
I appreciate for anything you do for me..Of course, I do..I'm truly sorry for changing the plans..I wanted to do it as you wished..and I didn;t mean to change it..I'm sorry...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Single Sunday

For months I have been counting the days..from 2 months, to 4 more Sundays, then 2 more Sundays, and now there's no more Sundays left to be counted..At this same day next week, at this hour, Miel will be with me..officially as my husband :)..I'm having all sorts of mixed feelings now, thinking that there's only few more days left for my BIG day..happy,nervous,worried,excited,..sometimes feeling a little panicky...People say it;s normal, everyone goes through it, bla bla bla..but it's easier to say it..only i know what I feel inside..Just hoping everything turns out well..that's all..:)
Now it's about my family i;m thinking about..my parents especially..after I get married, I will be moving out from my home and will be living with Miel and my new family...so I'm already starting to miss my parents so much..I'm going to miss the arguments I have with them(always! :P)..I;m going to miss going to work with my dad..you know among my siblings i'm the closest one to my parents..probably because I'm the anak manja of the family..hehe....Ever since I started going to work with my dad, I have became even more closer to him...We will be talking about work, life, general stuffs..sometimes through out the journey, both of us will be silent..layan fikiran masing-masing...sometimes I will be talking and he won;t even reply..but I know he is listening..and when he;s talking especially about his work, I will be listening..and of course there are arguments..that one mesti ada!..haha..usually it's arguments about my driving..my dad thinks i drive fast and not careful...we still have that argument until today :)..as for my my dear mother, whom is also my best friend, I'm going to miss talking stories with her..she;s also my gossiping partner!..hehe..What else I can say about my mum, she's an angel :)...Pa and Ma, I'm sorry for eveything..I know I have hurt your feelings and behaved disrespectful to both of you...To me, both of you are the greatest parents in the world...You have done so much for me and I know if you will always be there for me...I will always love both of you..and no matter what, I will always be your anak manja :)..

Pa, I know you;re so proud to be  "Father of the bride"..Reminds me of Steve Martin;s movie :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Perginya Ramadhan, Datangnya Syawal

Thursday was the last day of puasa..end of this year's Ramadan..the night before, like usual myself and my family went to surau to perform Tarawih prayers...unlike the whole Ramadan month, most of them did not come to the surau that night..Semua dah balik kampung..sunyi je surau tanpa para jemaah yg biasa hadir..rasa rindu terhadap mereka pun ada..yea la,sama-sama berjuang untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah swt, sama-sama berusaha untuk mencapai ketaqwaan seperti mana yang diperkatakan oleh Imam pada hari ni semasa khutbah Aidilfitri..Sesungguhnya benar kata Imam, Allah menjadikan Ramadhan untuk kita mencapai ketaqwaan..Allah Maha Besar..sentiasa memberi peluang kepada hamba-hambanya untuk bertaubat, untuk memperbaiki diri, untuk berhijrah daripada melakukan perkara2 yg dilarang..Walaupun kita rasa rindu terhadap Ramadhan yg telah pergi, datangnya Syawal, kita menyambutnya dengan penuh kesyukuran dan kegembiraan kerana telah mencapai kemenangan di bulan Ramadhan..Syukur kepada Allah kerana panjang umur kita, dapat menunaikan ibadat kpdnya..dapat bertaubat..dapat memohom ampun atas dosa2 yang kita lakukan..Khutbah Imam pada pagi Aidilfitri ini ialah tentang nafsu, musuh utama manusia..nafsu sentiasa mendorong kita arah jalan yg salah..sentiasa menghalang kita daripada melakukan kebaikan..bukan mudah bagi kita lawan dengan nafsu,sering kali kita tewas tetapi jika iman kuat dan kita berusaha untuk "take control of" nafsu ni, Insya Allah, kita akan mencapai kemenangan..Allah akan permudahkan segala-galanya untuk
kita jika kita percaya akanNya, jika kita berdoa, jika kita berusaha..

Note:Diri ni bukannya hamba yang sempurna..diri ni ada cacat celanye..diri ni tidak terkecuali
dari melakukan dosa..apa jua yang diperkatakan di entry dalam blog saya ni,adalah diambil dari apa
yang saya pelajari sepanjang Ramadhan ni dan juga summary dari Khutbah pagi ni..Jika ada tersilap cakap,
mohon maaf..semoga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa dan memberi kerberkatan dan kerahmatan kpd kita semua..

PS:started the entry in English but after that was comfortable to say what I feel above in Malay language

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Being such a forgetful person is really troublesome sometimes..I forgot to take pictures of Miel's gifts which I sent to him yesterday..Dah siap bungkus/wrap the gift box, baru teringat lupa nak snap picture of the gifts and the box after wrapping..the condition of the box after wrapping was so cincai looking (I'm bad at wrapping gifts)...But I feel delighted coz I managed to post the gift...I have been cracking my head how to deliver his gift..tried contacting the available courier services in Klang Valley and they mentioned I need to go to the nearest branch..I thought can just call them up and asked them to come to office to collect..but you can;t do that..you need to open an account with the respective courier service company..so using the reliable Ms.Google, I looked for the nearest branch and i found  MAILBOXES ETC..it's actually a franchiser of retail shipping, postal and business service centres..and all these 2 years living in my housing area, I didn't know there's a courier service center here..so I quickly drove there(after wrapping the gift "very nicely") worried that I won;t be in time to send in the gift for pick up..Audrey, the friendly lady working there suggested that she will help me to wrap the gift with brown paper coz she's afraid the pick up people will open up the gift wrapper(for checking purpose) ...and the charges were not that expensive either...She explained to me that Miel should be getting the gift by today or latest by tomorrow..After paying up and thanking Audrey, I walked out of the shop with a big smile on myself...So relief that I was able to send the gift

And today afternoon, I called Miel. I wasn't expecting him to receive the gift today coz Audrey told me that the parcel(gift) might be reaching Miel on Thursday since it's the Raya season..When I said bye and wanted to hang up the phone, Miel said something but it wasn;t clear. So i asked him what is it..And he said, "Thanks for the gift"..I kept quiet for a second and immediately thought why didn't he tell me the moment he received it(well we had little argument about that..when i think about it now, i feel wanna laugh..haha)..The most important thing is he likes the gift..As long as he;s happy, I;m happy too :)..Miel, don;t worry..even if you didn;t say this, I won't be sending surprises to your office anymore..Lepas kawen, nak bagi gift pun direct je..dah x de surprises sume..hahaha.. oh yeah he just called and he said he already listened to the songs that I compiled for him..don;t know why I felt shy to hear his comments about the cd..so i changed the topic..probably coz the songs are a bit lovey dovey..haha..whatever it is, I appreciate that Miel listened to it..Thank you, Miel :)

PS: I can;t wait to play the football one-on-one with you..hehe


Staring at the pc and totally feeling bored...Am already in Raya mood :D...but thinking about coming to work tomorrow and the next Monday and Tuesday, makes the feeling of boredom even worse..Since I;m taking long leave for wedding, I decided to not take leave for Raya..Some of my colleagues are already on leave today..Next week, myself, my colleague, the secretary and HOD are the only ones will be on the office..Lagi la tahap kebosanan akan bertambah...But the good things are there will be lesser calls from users which means less work and road will be super clear!..Boleh la F1 racing!..haha

~~I would like to wish~~

~~Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri To All The Muslims In The World~~

Monday, September 6, 2010

Super Shopper

I already informed my mum a day earlier that I need to go out( i mean go shopping) to few places..and she agreed(without any complaints..hehe)..Early in the morning, I helped to bake pineapple jam tart(oh only now I realized..I hate pineapples..anything that has pineapple in it, I totally dislike it..but pineapple tart cookies is my favorite!.. :P)..We made move from home at about 9.45 am and was already at our first destination-SACC Mall by 10am...just like how we expected,  the shops were not open..so since PKNS was just across SACC Mall and it was opened, we went there instead...Just walked few metres in that complex, looking at those pretty(and ugly) baju kurung, jubah, etc..I'm looking for a nice,black jubah..but didn;t come across a jubah that is as pretty as the one i saw in Tesco the day bfr...I  fell in love with that jubah I saw in Tesco but it was too expensive..Perhaps on the last day(on the Hari Raya night) it will be sold for cheaper price...Tu pun if my mum allowed me to go shopping again..haha...and then we head back to SACC Mall...We went straight to the particular shop at 1st floor..bought the stuffs and drove out to Subang Parade..I wanted to get an engraved pen for Miel and in Parkson, Subang Parade there are number of choices...There were even 900++ pens...I wonder what;s so special and difference between these pens and a 100 ringgit pen..Looks the same to me..Anyway, there;s this dodger blue pen that caught me eyes...The color  looks pretty unique to me compared to the other common colors such as black, red and dark blue...At first I thought of getting the fountain pen but it's like old school(Miel might claim that..hehe)...Ball point is more suitable for younger age men..that;s what I think la...I was glad that they do engraving there..and the sales girl said maximum 15 words ..but I just want 6 words to be engraved on that pen..Miel;s name on one side and my name on the other side of the pen..Aftter the sales girl have done the engraving, she showed it to me and I smiled..It looked perfect...She wrapped the pen for me and once it's done, I happily took it and my mum and I continued to our next destination-Bt Tinggi Jusco..During the journey, my mum slept in the car..and when she woke up,  we already reached Bt Tinggi...My mum was looking for cushion cover and was helping her to choose on the colors and pattern of the covers..After having a pretty tough time deciding because my mum was like "I don't know if your dad will be okay with this brown cover..don;t know if he;ll be ok with that color..this color", finally we decided on which one , paid for it and walked out of Jusco..I need to go to the gift shop to get a gift box...Luckily, I found a stylish, silver box :)..By this time, my mum whom have been patient with me since morning, have already start complaining about her knee pain...Since I've bought the things I was looking for, we decided to return home..while we were walking towards the lift, I saw the Speedy shop..I have been wanting to buy Celine Dion CD for so long....My mum was like , "Faster la, leg pain!"..Quickly I entered the shop and within 5 minutes I was out of the shop with the CD in my hand :)..Can't wait to listen to her songs while driving :)...By the time we reached home, it was already 1.45pm...Prayed Zohor and went to sleep after talking to Miel..I thought since I already called him, he won;t be calling again until tonight or tomorrow..Baru je terlelap mata, the "I wanna hold your hands" song ringing on my phone.i thought to myself,"Habis la after this cannot fall asleep..there goes my after noon nap..haih"..hehe...but even then like usual, I smiled when I answered his call...His question made me giggle..I don;t know why he felt that the tone of my voice is different since yesterday..Miel, not to worry..Am really OK..: )...Lucky you that I could fell asleep after that..If not, I would have called you back..hehe...
A tiring but happy and fun Sunday spent with my dearest mum...after all, shopping is the best therapy!!..

PS:2nd last Sunday spent as a single person :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

2nd Last Sunday

The clock will strike 12 in another 1 hour and 5 minutes..and the 2nd last Sunday will be arriving soon..which means there's only 1 more Sunday to go..before I officially become someone's wife :)...As much as you are eagerly waiting for The Day, Miel, I feel the same way too..Mean while, in this 14 days, let's enjoy our life as single ..:P

Friday, September 3, 2010

Time flies

As each day passes by, I'm getting more nervous...I hope everything will turn out well..It's an once in a lifetime event..An event that will bring you to a whole new life..A whole new life which you can't imagine how's it going to be..But deep inside, there's a believe that the new life will promise happiness,laughter,joy,love,care and many more good things. Definately, it's not going to be 'perfect' always..There's going to be ups and downs..All I hope is that myself and Miel will be able to go through it together..Together both of us will build a life that's worth living...

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. ~Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ramadhan, Tarawih...

Time flies so fast..Feels like Puasa just started but it's already the 23rd puasa and 24th Tarawih...feel sad that the month where we we could ask forgiveness for all the sins we have done, the month where not only we hold our self from not eating and drinking but also from lust, the month where every living Muslims who worship during this month will be rewarded ( pahala yang berkali-kali ganda) by Allah is coming to an end for this year..But Alhamdullilah, The Almighty gave me longevity for this years' Ramadhan..One of the type of worship we are advised to perform during this month is the Tarawih prayers...The Tarawih prayers is sunat so if you perform this prayers, you will get 'pahala'(reward) and if you don't, you don't gain anything. It's only once a year, and out of 365 days, this prayers only applies for 30 days. So this is our chance given to us by The Great Allah to repent, to worship, ask forgiveness for all the sins we have done, ..
Sesungguhnya peluang yang Allah berikan kepada kita yang masih hidup di dunia ini. So mari lah kita ramai-ramai sembahyang tarawih dan beribadat di bulan yang mulia ini... Mudah-mudahan Ramadan tahun ni akan membawa kerberkatan kepada kita semua. Dan semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa2 yang kita lakukan sama ada dengan sengaja atau tidak sengaja, dan dalam keadaan sedar atau tidak sedar. Semoga dipanjangkan umur tahun hadapan agar dapat menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan Al Mubarak..AMIN