~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ramadhan, Tarawih...

Time flies so fast..Feels like Puasa just started but it's already the 23rd puasa and 24th Tarawih...feel sad that the month where we we could ask forgiveness for all the sins we have done, the month where not only we hold our self from not eating and drinking but also from lust, the month where every living Muslims who worship during this month will be rewarded ( pahala yang berkali-kali ganda) by Allah is coming to an end for this year..But Alhamdullilah, The Almighty gave me longevity for this years' Ramadhan..One of the type of worship we are advised to perform during this month is the Tarawih prayers...The Tarawih prayers is sunat so if you perform this prayers, you will get 'pahala'(reward) and if you don't, you don't gain anything. It's only once a year, and out of 365 days, this prayers only applies for 30 days. So this is our chance given to us by The Great Allah to repent, to worship, ask forgiveness for all the sins we have done, ..
Sesungguhnya peluang yang Allah berikan kepada kita yang masih hidup di dunia ini. So mari lah kita ramai-ramai sembahyang tarawih dan beribadat di bulan yang mulia ini... Mudah-mudahan Ramadan tahun ni akan membawa kerberkatan kepada kita semua. Dan semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa2 yang kita lakukan sama ada dengan sengaja atau tidak sengaja, dan dalam keadaan sedar atau tidak sedar. Semoga dipanjangkan umur tahun hadapan agar dapat menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan Al Mubarak..AMIN

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