~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Single Sunday

For months I have been counting the days..from 2 months, to 4 more Sundays, then 2 more Sundays, and now there's no more Sundays left to be counted..At this same day next week, at this hour, Miel will be with me..officially as my husband :)..I'm having all sorts of mixed feelings now, thinking that there's only few more days left for my BIG day..happy,nervous,worried,excited,..sometimes feeling a little panicky...People say it;s normal, everyone goes through it, bla bla bla..but it's easier to say it..only i know what I feel inside..Just hoping everything turns out well..that's all..:)
Now it's about my family i;m thinking about..my parents especially..after I get married, I will be moving out from my home and will be living with Miel and my new family...so I'm already starting to miss my parents so much..I'm going to miss the arguments I have with them(always! :P)..I;m going to miss going to work with my dad..you know among my siblings i'm the closest one to my parents..probably because I'm the anak manja of the family..hehe....Ever since I started going to work with my dad, I have became even more closer to him...We will be talking about work, life, general stuffs..sometimes through out the journey, both of us will be silent..layan fikiran masing-masing...sometimes I will be talking and he won;t even reply..but I know he is listening..and when he;s talking especially about his work, I will be listening..and of course there are arguments..that one mesti ada!..haha..usually it's arguments about my driving..my dad thinks i drive fast and not careful...we still have that argument until today :)..as for my my dear mother, whom is also my best friend, I'm going to miss talking stories with her..she;s also my gossiping partner!..hehe..What else I can say about my mum, she's an angel :)...Pa and Ma, I'm sorry for eveything..I know I have hurt your feelings and behaved disrespectful to both of you...To me, both of you are the greatest parents in the world...You have done so much for me and I know if you will always be there for me...I will always love both of you..and no matter what, I will always be your anak manja :)..

Pa, I know you;re so proud to be  "Father of the bride"..Reminds me of Steve Martin;s movie :)

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