~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Thursday, September 30, 2010

16 days

It has been exactly 16 days since I last updates my blog. Curious to know where I have been missing these 16 days...well it was all for good :)...Many important events took place in my life..One of the most important ones is my Wedding..yeap, I'm offically a Mrs now...Mrs. AR( Miel's real name :P)..I've been holding the title for 11 days and Insya Allah the title remains for the rest of my life...both of us have been counting the days and finally the moment came....the moment that we have been waiting for..really wonder how fast times flies...I remember 1 day before our wedding, Miel called in the middle of the night..He said he's sleepy but he couldn't fall asleep..I couldn't sleep either..I guess both of us were really nervous thinking about the next day..On my Mehndi night, I wasn't nervous at all but I was nervous that night and the nervousness got even worse during the solemnization(nikah)..but when I saw Miel after he have succesfully 'lafaz' nikah, there was only one thing running in my mind..I'm a wife now...and there's my husband standing in front of me..at that moment itself all I felt was calm :)....the nikah, reception and other ceremonies went on smoothly...syukur Alhamdullilah..I always believe that with parents and families blessings, everything will turn out well...the interesting part about our wedding is that the ceremonies both families conducted to welcome the newly weds..you could see the happiness on the faces of family members..the smiles and laughter..It's just PRICELESS..all these I will cherish for the rest of my life..thank you so much to everyone-my parents, parents in law, my family and my in laws family whom whole heartedly accepted me, friends and of course not forgetting my Love, my hubby...Looking forward to many happy years of living life with you :)

PS:on the next entry, shall talk about how diffcult it was to leave my parents, my siblings...my home

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