~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On A Rainy Day

I was driving to work with my dad next to me like usual. Just about few kilometers away from my office, the cars on the road started to slow down due to the rain. The distance between the car in front of me and mine was about 2 or 3 cars lengths. I notice the brake light on the car  and I stepped on the brake. But my car kept moving and it's not stopping. I panicked and as my car kept moving, I thought I'm going to hit the car which a BMW..Within that few seconds, there were many things running in my mind at the same time..Just few inches away from the bumper of that car, my car finally stopped. I don't know what  happened. I know I didn't step on the accelerator. My foot was on the brake. My dad said what was on my mind, "Careful, your wedding is nearing"..and I could feel my eyes teared. I guess I got panicked that drops of tears started to flow. Saying syukur to Allah that nothing bad happened and I continued driving and reached office safely. Pa asked me to step couple of times on the brake pad so that it will clear off the water. and after doing that, I could feel the bake pads got harder. It seems on a rainy day, the waters tend to splash up on the brake pads, making them slippery.
Ya Allah, please protect me, my family and my loved ones from calamity, disaster..Lindungi la kami dari segala bala, bencana, penyakit dan musibah, Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...Amin

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