~~Endless Love and A Life Worth Living~~
~~Gift from God~~

Monday, December 5, 2011

Alya Zahra

That's my lovely daughter's name :)..I have given birth on the 23rd September 2011 and she will be turning 3 months in 3 weeks time:)..

Yes, my blog is soooo outdated. I have been so occupied since the beginning, starting from preparing for delivery until the birth and growth of my baby..

I shall soon update my blog on what have been going on since September

---how worried myself, hubby and my parents were on the day of my delivery.All we hoped for is for me and the baby to be safe
---my baby was on antibiotics(to prevent her from getting the infection that could risk her life)
---the 40 days pantang(getting used to handling a newborn and loosing my sleep:P)
---my 30 days old baby was down with viral fever(the worst thing I have faced so far and bear in my mind, a 1 month old baby having fever is something very serious)
---rejoining work and being apart from Alya
---etc, etc, etc

PS: Alya Zahra, the apple of my eye :)

Monday, September 12, 2011


I'm so tired..I've been pushing myself to do chores and handle work..my body can't take it anymore and it begs for rest..my feet is  swollen really bad up till my knees..can't even bend it..I have only about 11 days more..from meeting my baby..though the due date is in early Oct, the doc said I'll be delivering 2 weeks earlier..What ever it is, all that matters to me, is about my baby..I want my baby to be in good health and panjang umur, INSYA ALLAH...

PS:Tgh tggu boss approve cuti start dr esok..haih..ape la susah sgt nak approve cuti org yg tgh sakit ni..patutnye ambik exec baru masuk...kesian colleague2 aku ni..dah la x cukup staff, n skrg ni kena support keje aku sekali..mintak maap ye kekawan... aku tau korang memahami...

Monday, September 5, 2011

36 weeks and turned 27

Coming this Thursday I'm on my 36th week of pregnancy...Exactly 9 months...I'm starting to feel nervous as it gets closer..I really can't imagine or what to expect during my delivery..all I hope and doa to Allah that everything will go well, and that myself and my child will be in good health and may the delivery process goes fine...and for someone whom have been going through some complications from the beginning of 3rd trimester, I seem to get more worried and scared..Now I  understand the meaning of becoming a mother..Carrying the baby for 9 months..and how protective and concern you become towards the baby even before it's born in this world...how you are willing to go through the pains then letting your own baby go through it...My mum have done the same thing for me..and same goes for all mothers..Truly, mothers are great :)

I turned 27  two weeks ago..which was on Friday, 26th of August...spent the day before and on my birthday walking in and out of hospital..haihhh..anyway, got the chance to escape work and hubby was there to spend time with me..and yeah, he did give me present..in cash..told me to get me anything that I want...hehe..was planning to get a new phone, handbag, sunglasses or a white gold bracelet..but already got a handbag using the raya+bday money my dad gave me :P...didn't have time to survey for phones and bracelets so the bday money given by Miel is still untouched :P...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

8 months...

In a weeks time, it's going to be exactly 8 months...Amazing huh...my baby bump is so obvious now..starting from my 6th month of pregnancy, the bump grew little by little and now it's a big, round bump..when I look at myself in the mirror, i smile to myself, thinking Allah's creation is really wonderful...Syukur Alhamdullilah that I'm able to carry baby of my own...Inilah keistimewaan menjadi seorang wanita :)...Going through this whole of 6th and 7th months is really tiring..some people said after the 5 month, it will be ok..but just like how I expected, the tiredness, exhausted feeling is still there...now added with short of breath, difficulties to sleep at night, cramps and body aches getting worse..and my movement became slower..I can't walk the usual speed...When I walk with Miel,  he stops, waits for me and then start walking again..mmg x larat nak jalan laju2 dah..there's one thing that take all these tiredness and pain away..my baby's movement:)...I can feel the kick, the stretching...and one thing i noticed, my baby moves a lot when I'm not talking..but when I do especially with Miel, my baby's silent..as if listening to what we're talking..more like eavesdropping...hehe..Last week, I went for 3D scan, and it's good to know that everything's fine..The doctor said, "I think you're eating very well..Your baby is growing fine" :P...So after this I will try to cut down on carbohydrates and I've stopped drinking ANMUM milk because at this time baby's growth gets higher...I want my baby to be healthy...not overweight...Oh yeah, by the way, the sex of my baby is confirmed..But I'm not announcing it..Miel and I have agreed on that..Let it be a surprise...:)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A heartbreaking story

I have never really open up my blog to anyone..simply because it's just about something that I have created to scribble my thoughts, about myself, hubby, family, friends and life..but today I have decided to put up this post for a person whom I don't know but this person is a soul, a woman who's fighting for her life..I believe  someone somewhere in the corner of this world will come across my blog and read this post and will continue to pass it on..her story(written by her sister in law, Moon) has touched my heart...it was passed on to me by my colleague..You may click the link below to know more..

If you wish to donate, the details are as below:



Noormawati Mohd Rasif

PS:To K.Norma, Talib, K.Moon,family, semoga tabah dlm menharungi dugaan ni...Insya Allah, kami doakan semoga K.Norma pulih..

Monday, July 4, 2011

and now it's 3

Earlier, around 3.30pm, a colleague of mine announced that he's resigning..so now it's 3 people..seriously, don't know what to say..no comments............................................................................................................................................

Pressure,Tertekan &......

Minda ku, badan ku, everything else rase pressured sesangat..TERTEKAN...apa yang menbuat aku TERTEKAN? It's nothing but WORK..Yes, Keje yg membuatkan aku TERTEKAN..menghadap keje2 office membuatkan aku TERTEKAN..yea yea i know tgh pregnant ni x boleh rase pressured...tapi at times it's beyond our control..no matter how much you try to relax yourself but there are certain days at work you just can't handle it..The task I can't handle the most at work is IT support..dealing and liaising with users can drive you up the wall..the sound of my office phone, the emails that comes in sent by users, and whatnot just annoys me to the max...moreover now, 2 staffs resigned in my dept..and with my condition now, I really can't take up the workload..I'm exhausted..tired..and users seriously never understand this..sometimes they behave like bullies...and even my superior increased my workload..i don't know if he realizes my condition..but i think he doesn't have much choice either when 2 staffs resigned..Despite all these, for the sake of my child, i try my level best to stay calm..I wouldn't want anything affecting my child in any way..this post is to express my frustration towards WORK...and its my way..Harap maklum...Sekian Terima Kasih..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finally..I found it!

It feels so good to do shopping..Last Sunday evening, went to Pyramid with Miel to get some baggy, loose tshirts and blouses.. as I have mentioned in my earlier post,I'm going through clothes shortage..btw, I have just moved another 2 blouses to my "non-wearable-clothes-cupboard"..in replace, i bought 2 blouses in Ying and Yang at Pyramid!:)..OK seriously, I don't have a choice..because my body frame now looks outrageous in my normal clothes..I didn't spend on maternity clothes because it's way too expensive..hence, those blouses which I bought it's indeed not maternity clothes..I actually looked around for normal clothes which can fit my pregnant body so that I can still wear it when I get back my previous body..speaking of that, I wonder if i could get back in shape :P..just lets have some positive thinking..Lol..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The hunt begins for Maternity Attire

I've never thought that it would be a difficult task to look for maternity clothes..yeah, of course they have a number of maternity shops in malls in Klang Valley..but why is it so ridiculously overpriced???!!!...One simple looking blouse is around RM150..Goodness..It's not like you will be pregnant for your entire life and using it as an everyday wear..I wonder if there are pregnant ladies out there whom actually spend so much on a single blouse..must be really silly..Anyway,so far I have bought 3 blouses, only 1 of it is a maternity blouse..bought it in Sunway Pyramid..it was on sale and the cheapest :P..and then I have 5 pants(luckily those pants are comfy but 1 of it is too baggy to be worn to work)..and 1 skirt which I bought at Nichii yesterday..It's really worth it..bought it only for RM40, the material and cutting is so comfortable and it can be worn after during and after pregnancy :)..Well,as at now, I could still wear my normal clothes..but most of those clothes I was wearing until the 4th month, couldn't fit into my body now..So,the cupboard where I have placed the clothes that I'm able to wear during pregnancy seem to have more space as I take out some of those and placed it in another cupboard which is filled(overflowing!) with my other clothes..Yup, I have one cupboard full of clothes that can't be worn..yikessss...I really(x1000....)hope all those clothes of mine can be worn again :P..

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Last night, Miel's niece called him up and asked for my Dad's contact number because she need to make some further enquiries regarding the medical course offered at the college my Dad works..So I told her that I will SMS to her later..Today morning, I asked Miel for his niece phone number..As I took his phone to type the number in my phone, I noticed there's a name "WIFE" in his received calls..I thought to myself, "Is the name saved to my number?"..Lol, yeah who else would be his wife if not ME..Ok I actually took a while to realized my number is saved as "WIFE" because before this he saved it as my name..not as anything else..not as sayang or honey or darling or sweetie pie or what-so-ever..even when there was once I changed it to honey, he changed it back to my name..and now he has changed it to WIFE..I didn't ask him anything about it..I just smiled to myself and continued typing the number in my phone :)...

Monday, June 6, 2011

The rainbow of my life

It's lunch time now..I was planning to eat rice and paprik ayam but my stomach is full with the noodles i ate in the morning..and I couldn't even finish it..so ate the leftover for lunch..afraid that I will be hungry later in the evening, I bought butter roll from the bakery...since I missed the Nora Elena episode last Friday, I watched it while having lunch..there was a line in the drama said by the guy to his wife..he said "Pelangi hidup abang"..which means "The rainbow of my life"...and I too have a rainbow of my life..actually it's 2..Now, there are 2 rainbows in my life-Miel and our baby :)..believe it or not, I've never said romantic, sweet words to Miel..probably I did..through SMS..but even then it's just simple words..I seem to voice out my feelings towards Miel a lot thru this blog..Lol..Miel who claimed that he's an unromantic person have surprised me many times with his words..Well, he still claims he's not romantic :P....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


There's new Malay drama aired on TV3-Nora Elena(7pm-8pm)..It started somewhere last week and I was watching the 1st episode when I thought that the storyline of the drama seems interesting..and since I don't really get a chance to control the TV, I decided to sign-up for TV3 online website..Last night, I watched from episode 1-4 while waiting for Miel to come back home from meeting his friends..a person who have not been following Malay songs, movies or artistes for ages, one of the songs in these drama is stuck into my mind(Title: Terhenti Di Sini) plus the actor is really good looking and you just can't take your eyes away from him :)

Monday, May 16, 2011


When I have not see my mum for a week or 2 the most, I start to miss her a lot. Especially now when I'm soon becoming a mother..If I'm on leave and Miel is at work or if there's long break, I would stay at least a day at my parent's home..Miel teases me sometimes that I must be really excited to go to my parent's house..Which daugther won't be...I will just pretend that I'm not too excited :P...But when I'm already at my parent's place, I start to miss Miel..and I will be counting the minutes, hours, days to return to him...I will be so glad to see him even after being away for 24 hours*do i sound like i'm exaggerating?*..but I will start missing my mum again..hehe..so it's like I can't bare being away from Miel..and I can't be away from Mum for a long time as well...and now after mum and pappa has left after sending me back home, my thoughts are on them...at least, I have learned not to shed my tears :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

and not forgetting this....

Both Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor characters were awesome in this movie...and the storyline was funny, romantic and superb!..Of course this movie was few years back but I still watch it if it's aired on TV..adding on with this song, makes me wanna dance..Oh yeah,must ask my baby first :P

PS: couldn't upload it at work earlier because YouTube is blocked..haihzzz

Best thing I never knew I needed

While being occupied with work, decided to browse through the list of songs in my office pc..and came across this song which I used to listen all the time when I was in "cloud 9"..Lol!

"Never Knew I Needed" By Ne-yo

For the way you changed my plans
For being the perfect distraction
For the way you took the idea that I have
Of everything that I wanted to have
And made me see there was something missing, oh yeah

For the ending of my first begin
(Ooh, yeah yeah, ooh, yeah yeah)
And for the rare and unexpected friend
(Ooh, yeah yeah, ooh, yeah yeah)
For the way you're something that I'd never choose
But at the same time, something I don't wanna lose
And never wanna be without ever again

You're the best thing I never knew I needed
So when you were here I had no idea
You the best thing I never knew I needed
So now it's so clear, I need you here always

My accidental happily
(Ever after)
The way you smile and how you comfort me
(With your laughter)
I must admit you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it up and take a look
You're the beginning and the end of every chapter

You're the best thing I never knew I needed
So when you were here I had no idea
(When you were here)
You the best thing I never knew I needed
(That I needed)
So now it's so clear, I need you here always
(Now it's so clear)

Who knew that I could be
(Who knew that I could be)
So unexpectedly
(So unexpectedly)
Undeniably happier
Sitting with you right here, right here next to me
Girl, you're the best

You're the best thing I never knew I needed
(Said I needed)
So when you were here I had no idea
(When you were here)
(Said I had no idea)
You're the best thing I never knew I needed
(That I needed)
So now it's so clear I need you here always
(Now it's so clear)
(So clear, so clear, I need you always)

Now it's so clear, I need you here always  

and these
"All My Life" By K-Ci and Jojo

I will never find another lover sweeter than you,
Sweeter than you
And I will never find another lover more precious than you
More precious than you
Girl you are close to me you're like my mother,
Close to me you're like my father,
Close to me you're like my sister,
Close to me you're like my brother
You are the only one my everything and for you this song I sing

And all my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

I said you're all that I'm thinking of.....baby

Said, I promise to never fall in love with a stranger,
You're all I'm thinking of, I praise the Lord above,
For sending me your love, I cherish every hug,
I really love you

And all my life, baby, baby, I've prayed for someone like you,
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you, baby
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do, love me

You're all that I ever known, when you smile, on my face, all I see is a glow.
You turned my life around, you picked me up when I was down,
You're all that I ever known, when you smile on your face all I see is a glow,
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever known, when you smile on your face all I see is a glow,
You picked me up when I was down and I hope that you feel the same way too,
Yes I pray that you do love me too

All my life, I've prayed for someone like you,
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I've prayed for someone like you
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Now I'm in 19th week of pregnancy..It's almost 5 months..How time flies!...To Miel, it feels that time is slow..He feels that I have been pregnant for long..haha...Recently, I'm facing new symptoms-CRAMPS..and it's getting worse by day...especially during the night..cramps on my legs( from thigh until my feet) and cramps around stomach and abdomen area...When the cramps occur, I start to wince and hold the cramp area..Even when I sneeze, I get cramps..So basically simple task like getting up from a sitting position, sneezing has turn into a painful task..Oh yeah, the sneezing affects my bladder as well...well, you know what I mean right?...Like yesterday morning, I couldn't get up from bed due to the cramps..I told Miel I;m taking MC..and he's more than happy if I decide to take MC or leave..He's always trying to make sure I get enough rest...Didn't even realize when he left for work..I could only remember him saying, "Sleep first..don't stress..take your time, wake up and then leave to mother's hse..When you're leaving, call me k"..and then he came next to me, tuck me in bed and laid the blanket over me.As usual,  felt touched by his action and I was smiling inside..Hmm, makes me wonder if I will receive the same attention when I''m pregnant with a second child..On the way to mother's hse, i drop by to the nearby clinic..Main reason is to get MC..coz I sort of know these cramps are normal during pregnancy..hehe..Miel said maybe I got the cramps due to too much of work the day before..The day before, on a Sunday, I did some chores..washed our room toilet, swept the floor, cooked breakfast(maggi goreng), lunch(rice, fish curry, fried fish and nuggets and fried french beans), dinner(nasi goreng)...Well, I willingly wanted to cook though he mentioned to have lunch at Kenny Rogers..It's a craving I have been having for so long but somehow I could still control it..Seems like Miel is the one so eager to take me to Kenny Rogers.Lol...Nevertheless, I've to admit by the end of the day, I was exhausted when cooking dinner..Still, it's all worth it to cook a 3 full meals for dearest hubby! :)..Anyway, besides the cramps, nothing has really changed since my first month of pregnancy..the nausea, tiredness, abdomen and stomach pain are still there..I guess I have to endure all these until my 9th month and honestly, I'm not complaining..All I am doing here is expressing what I have been going through and what soon-to-mum will go through..Of course it doesn't happen to everyone..some of us have a perfect,smooth journey throughout the 9 months..Whatever it is, the most important thing is the Baby...Baby must be in good health and condition..Insya Allah, my baby grows up healthily in my womb..:)

Monday, May 9, 2011


On saturday I called my mum...just to ask what is she doing..she told me she went for dinner with my dad at pizza hut..just the 2 of them!!;)..she laughed and I laughed along with her..as far as I remember my parents have not eat out before..either the children or grandsons were there..with all the kids grown up, married and have life of their own, I realized that my parents only have each other now..and I am so thankful and glad that my parents have been together through thick and thin and they still love each other unconditionally..I hope it will be the same for me:)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Fact is:

In marriage there's no Love.
It's like an empty box.
Only in your heart there's Love.
Thus we are the ones who fill the marriage box with Love

Above is a translation I made from an article of a blogger-Ustaz Hasrizal(saifulislam.com)..Pretty much most of his articles has enlighten me. Even his book "Bercinta Sampai ke Syurga", has been a guideline,  a preparation for me to enter the marriage world...For someone like me whom just got married 7 months ago, I'm still at an early stage..still learning to understand my other half..learning how to play my role as a wife, as a soon-to-be-mother...learning on how to keep a happy marriage life...In my opinion,
Killing  does not bring peace!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Meaningful Phrase

My cousin, Rehana just posted a latest entry today..and I'm touched with the last line of the post

......Only a meaningful person to you can make you cry without bothering the tears wasted out...

which is why I guess sometimes I don't bother to wipe away the tears I shed in front of a particular person  

Pregnant baker..haha

I'm becoming lazier nowadays..I really can't help it..but even then, I managed to bake"kek batik", nutty choco shortbread cookies and blueberry yogurt cake last week :)...wow, I'm amazed with myself :P...Since past few weeks, I had cravings to tried out new recipes and surprisingly, I wanted to tried it out by myself..the first things i baked was kek batik..and that was right after I came back home from work...had my dinner and straightaway started...my mum in law wanted to help me out..but I said to her I want to do it myself..and she just laughed..hehe...though I had the recipe next to me, I didn't exactly follow the ingredients or its' method..main hentam2 je sesuke hati :P...and not bad, it turn out pretty well..taste just nice..not too sweet...I tasted a bit and placed the rest in the refrigerator to chill..next morning, packed some for my office colleagues..they have been asking for it...and I have been telling them i'm too tired, didn't have time to do it because reached home late from work..while packing, Miel came to the kitchen and tasted a small piece..asked him how was it..and he said," very nice, never tasted something like this before"..melampau la tu..I just gave him a look  and knew very well that he's joking...My colleagues said not bad too, for a first time :)..then the second thing  I baked was nutty choco shortbread cookies on Saturday and blueberry yogurt cake on Sunday ...I spent my last weekend at my parent's home..for me, spending time at parent's home is an enjoyment :)..I bought the things needed to bake the cookies and cake at Giant supermarket..and was really eager to start baking...at the end of rolling out the cookies dough and cutting it into uneven square shapes, I was already exhausted..My mum pitied me..Kesian tgk anak dia susah payah buat biskut..huhu..well, the cookies turned out ok...but should add on more sugar and bake it longer(the pic on kuali.com shows a brown-colored cookie)..anyway members of famliy said it's nice...the following day, baked the cake..the blueberry yogurt cake was really yummy...but should add on more blueberry jam..it would have tasted yummier..the cake was baking in oven when Miel arrived..He came to have lunch at my parent's home and to pick me up...No matter how much enjoyment I feel when at parent's home, my mind is always on one person and I miss him each time :)..Thinking back of what I baked last week, I'm so proud of myself..hehe..Well, you don't expect this from most pregnant women ok!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Semakin hari semakin penat rasenye..bukan la nak layan sgt symptom2 mengandung ni..tapi kepenatan yg aku rase ni mmg x dpt nak ignore..tambah ngan sakit perut yg kerap, sakit belakang and kepala...Ya Allah...tu la yg aku ucapkan tiap kali...semlm bersihkan barang2 atas almari tu pun dah penat( mak marah bile die dpt tau aku naik kerusi..huhu)..jalan jauh sikit pun penat...gi beli breakfast, lunch, balik opis je kena duk jap and tarik nafas...mula la usap2 perut yg sakit ni...Tapi aku x pernah mengeluh..aku x pernah salahkan kan anak dlm kandunganku ni...x kan ku sesekali menyalahkan harta yg tidak ternilai harganye drpd Allah..muntah2 ari tu pun aku hanya risaukan anakku akan rase sakit...Aku rase cukup kagum ngan kuasa Allah..aku yg jenis x tahan sakit, sekarang ni cukup sabar demi anakku ni...Kasih sygku terhadapnye bertambah dr hari ke hari...Tersenyum sendiri tiap kali tgk perutku kat cermin :)...Semoga Allah memberi aku kekuatan n kesabaran sepenuhnye,sekarang sampai aku selamat lahirkan anakku ni..

What A Day...

Yesterday's post(Tuesday, 12/4/11):-

As usual I couldn't get up from the bed this morning..Moreover, I had this terrible headache and I was practically holding my head with both my hands while lying on the bed..Miel asked me to take MC and rest at home..Before he left to work, he came next to me and telling me again not to go to work...I was thinking of the same thing too until when I woke up at 7.20am and felt better..So I called up Miel, told him that I'm going to work(I know he's not happy with it)..I got up, took my bath, prayed and got dressed to work..Surprisingly, I wasn't even complaining to myself about going to work:P...until it started off with getting stuck at the traffic jam just less than a kilometre from home..I didn't expect he traffic to be heavy and it was already 8.10am..it was already 8.35am when I managed to get out of the Sunway traffic and head to Federal Highway...and the worst scenerio came after that..I kicked my foot on the brake really hard to avoid hitting a car in front of me( didn't notice the car was slowing down)...drove on more than 1 holes on the road(didn't notice this either..and at this time I was already thinking that I should have listened to Miel)...and then getting stuck at the Damansara traffic(the vehicles started to slow down even after the Subang tol near Glenmarie)...At that time Miel called...and he said ,"I told you right it will be jam"..I said, "Yeah, should have listen to you"..The headache and stomachache seems to get worse..I felt really sick..This was when I decided that I will U-turn after the Damansara tol and head back home..I sms-ed my boss and informed him that I'm on EL on that day...Then suddenly, something that you don't wish to happen when you're stuck at a massive traffc jam..The urgency need to urinate!..Ever since I got pregnant, it's really difficult for me to control my bladder..I was keep saying the same thing to myself-should have stayed at home, should have stayed at home..I passed thru the Damansara tol half an hour later, drove ahead, took the Uturn and drop by  at a  petrol station..But I was afraid of going to the public toilet alone.So forcing my bladder to stay hold, I speed up to home!..Ok ok I didn't actually speed up..I'm really being extra careful with my condition now:P..Well,it was indeed a stressful morning for me..

PS:I didn't keep my-so-called-promise to publish a post for my baby one every week..I'm getting lazier..:S

Monday, March 28, 2011

Progress of my baby bump :)

woahh..1 month plus since the last I updated my blog...I was pretty busy I guess :P..Actually I have been going through a very difficult trimester..Now, my pregnancy is 3 months old and I'm still having the nausea, tiredness..now added on with heartburn and more backaches, more nausea...I also have been falling sick on and off...and for me, falling sick during pregnancy is really bad...I was extremely weak and resting on bed most of the time..I wasn't worried about myself getting sick but I was worried if it will affect my baby...When i told my mum that I was thinking my baby must be in pain each time I vomited, she laughed at me and told me that my baby is fine and the vomit will not bring any harm to the baby:P...Alhamdullilah, when I went to see the doctor, she scanned my stomach and confirmed that my baby is fine..On the last scanning, the doctor showed me the hands and legs of my baby..and I could see the movements of my baby on the screen :)...It was indeed a priceless sight:)...
Anyway, even though I'm going through a tough time, I'm so thankful to have such a caring husband next to me..Miel have been really helping me to cope with all these...Helping me on household chores..Massaging my feet and back without me requesting for it..Bringing the food to bed when I was too weak to move..Being really cautious and careful when driving(Well you know how Malaysia roads are, so if he hits a hole or something, he will give an expression of pain)...Always comforting and reminding me to take folic acids, drink Anmum, and constantly saying, "Slow slow..don't walk too fast", "Careful"..."Are you ok"..even when he's asleep...No matter how I tried not to make a slightest sound during my frequent night visits to the toilet, I never failed to hear those cautious words from him :)...and like usual teasing, making fun of me, making me laugh, making me feel happy and wonderful...Thank you syg...I really appreciate every single thing you have done and still doing for me..I'm so amazed with your love and care :)...

PS:I think i should post at least one entry  per week especially for this baby....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Gift

I'm so proud to announce that I'm soon to be a..MUM..Wow..It's so amazing..I still haven't get over the fact that I'm a wife :P..If you have read my previous posts, it's pretty loud and clear..hehe.....Well,anyway it's what I and Miel have been expecting for..a child of our own..and Syukur Alhamdullilah, Allah have given us the most precious gift..I pray the baby in me will always be in good health..have a long live..dilindungi dr segala penyakit and malapetaka..semoga dia menjadi seorang yg soleh atau solehah..dikurniakan akal fikiran yg cerdas, bijaksana, alim and beramal..and semoga anakku ini sentiasa di jalan yg diredhai oleh Allah SWT.


for you dear baby :)..Ma and Papa are so excited to meet you in another 8 months :)..We're already loving you and you will always be loved unconditionally :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yup..it's getting worse.."The Nausea"..I could still eat but the portion is much smaller and I eat much slower now than usual..On Monday I was on leave so I went to lepak at mum's place..The day before she cooked nasi briyani with beef sambal and she kept it for me..I enjoyed it especially the beef....though it was a little spicy for me, I was still licking away the sambal...that's when I realized I could take beef(not sure if it depends on way of cooking it)..So as at now,  the food that tasted really good on my tongue are sardine(actually i prefer mackerel but some articles says king mackerel has high in mercury and should avoid it but I'm not sure if king mackerel is the same as the canned mackerel, confuse?????), roti jala and chicken curry(mum's recipe), beef(mum's recipe as well), anddddddddd ikan bilis(Miel's recipe..hehe)...I told Miel 2 or 3 days ago that I felt like eating his sambal ikan bilis(anchovies sambal)..and last night, he cooked it for dinner..through out the whole day, the nauseous was really bad..my mum in law cooked chicken briyani for lunch and I could eat..a bit at least..to get rid of nausea,I drank lime water and even suck lime juice out of the fruit itself....The sour taste was good but it was just temporary and the nausea feeling will come back..later at night, when I ate butter toasted bread with sambal ikan bilis made by Miel, I felt really good..the sambal was so tasty that I was hoping there was some leftover after dinner last night..Unfortunately, there was none..mum in law laughed when i asked her for the sambal and she said, "why didn't you  tell me earlier?..I would have kept some"..I giggled back and said it's ok...When I told Miel the sambal was nice, he was like, "Really arrr, that good ar?" :P..I can't deny the fact that the ikan bilis sambal tasted yummy and it took away all those nauseous feeling for that night..thanks to Miel :)...

PS:By the way, "The Nausea" has return..:P..Well, it's all for good reason :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Trip To India

The title should have been in my blog 2 months ago. I was on a trip with my in laws family: my parents in law, sister in law, her husband, and their kid, husband's grandmother, husband's grandmother's sister and her husband, and the list goes on..yup, a huge group around 12 of us went to India - to mine and husband's kampung from the 25th Dec 10 - 2nd Jan 11. Unfortunately, Miel couldn't join me on this trip due to some unforeseen circumstances. Well I was the one whom decided to go since my in law's family are going..Moreover, my parents were there..they were there for one of my cousin's wedding...It was really an enjoyable trip..after 19 years returning to India was something that I really look forward.. during my first visit there, I was just 7 years old and I always remembered that I liked India despite the cleanliness problem which reminds me of something I saw the moment my feet stepped on the land of India..Myself and family just reached the Madras(now known as Chennai) railway station. We walked out of the station to the row of taxis parked in front of it. I can't remember whether my dad was talking to one of the taxi drivers there..can't really remember that part...I was looking around and when i turned to my right, I was utter shock to see a man squatting and sh******!!!..since then, the image have been "haunting" me..lol...Sadly, this didn't change till today..anyway, the 2nd trip to India was so fun-1)trip to the beaches at my kampung and another kampung named Athanggara...the beaches are so clean, beautiful and breathtaking..on the 3rd day there, i walked to my kampung's beach with my parents...it 's far k.tiap hari jln confirm kurusnyee..hehe...2)attend my cousin's wedding...the  function was held at my grandpa's home(my mum's father)...my uncle, aunty, mum's cousins, cousin's wife, and children were all there for the whole week of my cousin's wedding...it was nice to see my aunties preparing the dishes all by themselves..and not even a second my aunties could keep silent while preparing the dishes..ade je benda yg they all buat lawak and will be laughing all the time..very funny and jovial people :)...despite being super busy with the wedding , my aunties and grandma will ask, "Hanizah, have you eaten??".."you must be hungry..come eat first"...:)..they were so concerned about me...when I came to my grandma's house and everyone knew I came, my relatives hugged me and they looked so happy to see me especially my grandmas( my mum's mother and my grandfather's sister)...3)shopping!..though it was a last minute shopping, I still managed to grab some punjabi suit clothes and blouse for me and my family...there was this pink punjabi cloth i choose for myself..and i totally love it!..but it got ruined by the tailor over there..hmmphh..(hopefully the tailor over here can repair it)..my colleagues asked me to buy saris for them..i looked high and low for the type of sari my colleagues asked..but I couldn't find and I was afraid to just buy for the sake of buying..anyway, I did bought them some souvenirs...4)celebrated new year for the 2nd time in my life at Ramnad, a town about 30 - 40 mins away from my kampung...my husband's cousin invited me, my sister in law and her hubby to a newly open restaurant..it's owned by one of  her relative and they were having new year celebration..i don't celebrate new years..I decided to go just to eat some good food..haha..to sum it all up it was an amazing trip though I wasn't feeling well few days before leaving to Malaysia...the main reason I wanted to go India is to visit my hubby's kampung and meet his relatives..Indeed, I was happy to meet them and they were so happy and excited to see me as well..yeah la, menantu la katakan :P...

But what made me really happy was seeing my hubby after being away for 10 days...few days before leaving to India, I asked him, "so you will be having fun without me"...then he said, "kat org je ckp mcm tu, but dlm hati ni I je yg tau kesedihan ni..hmm, i didn't know that he was really sad to be away from me...he's so unpredictable :P...when he walked towards me while I was waiting for him outside the airport, I realized how much I missed him...he came near me and put his arm around me, i just laid on his chest for few seconds..and there was this lady who notice this and were looking at us..she was even looking at us after we walked past her..hehehe...so the moment i got into the car, I told him this is the 1st and last I'm going anywhere far without you...and he just nodded...and .I told myself, "selagi ade hayat dikandung badan ni, takkan ku tinggalkan sayang".. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Everyday is a happy day.......

that's my status on FB.. just updated it about 30mins ago..though it's such a nuisance to deal with users especially every single day(Thank god I don't have to work on weekends. It will take a toll on my life!!), doing all these IT troubleshooting, managing the system/servers, I still keep myself cheerful, try my level best not to loose my patience with users(on my condition now, i should really be in control) and not even a single day passed without a laugh at work..Thanks to my crazy, funny colleagues :)...Seriously work seems less stressful when I have these people around...I bet each of them feeling the same way too...No matter how tensed we are, facing all those rude users, getting "hentam" from bosses, we really make time to have a little chit chat, joke around and laugh out loud...the famous Charlie Chaplin quote goes like this:

A day without laughter is a day wasted. ;)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


All of sudden I miss Miel..not sure why..Probably after reading my friend's blog about her and her "Miel"...or is it because of my condition now is turning me into a more emotional person :P...

This heart of mine is yearning to to hear his laughter, see his smile, feel his warm hug, feel his loving touch..It feels good to be loved and I'm glad I'm loved by you, my dearest hubby@Miel...I can't wait to return home and be in your arms...........

More cravings

I have been having cravings..wonder why ar?..hehe..Anyway, I was thinking about caramel pudding today and fortunately, there was this stall at pasar tani opposite my office sells it...bought 1 ..and tried it..and the taste was delicious!..so went down to the pasar tani again and bought another 2..haha..

Double Happiness

I can't believe it..I'm so thankful to Allah and words can't explain how happy I am :)

~~Stay tune to find out why :p~~

Mission #3

1) Pretzel*ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

2) Maggi*ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

 3) Roti Jala with thick chicken curry *ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

Yabba dabba doooooo(Fred Flinstone's catchphrase)..hehe..finally mission 3 was successfully accomplished last week Tuesday. I was having flu and headache so I was MC on that day. Due to the flu, I was tempted to drink the Maggi Curry soup..Thinking that there's one maggi packet at home, I went back home straight from clinic..But found there was none and my mother in law went to the shop to buy for me..hehehe..I said to her that I can eat bread but she insists to buy maggi..She said, "Eat what you prefer and like"...hehe..Eating maggi after so long was really nice..especially when you're having flu and the mild spicy taste of the curry soup makes you feel better..:)

Monday, January 24, 2011


During last Thursday's public holiday, my hubby ajak pegi shopping at sunway pyramid..and i didn't know it's SALES :D..hubby needed to get some things for him and I wanted to get working pants....ONLY..well of course after I went to the shoes department, I couldn't resist myself. I bought a pair of shoes...ermm..no..actually i bought 2 pairs of shoes..one formal(i just google to check what my type of shoe is called and it's ankle straps shoes) and one casual la..and the black working pants..there was a grey pants which I tried on and I really liked it..but I told myself to choose between the black and grey..so i choose the black..planning to get the grey pants some other time..which is next month??..hehe..well I didn't shop unnecessarily..I really need the working pants since I wear pants to work as much as I wear baju kurung...and the ankle straps shoes is something I have been wanting to get but haven't found the right one for me...and when i found it with the right design and is just bout 1 or 1 1/2 inch, i bought it though it wasn't on sale..and the casual shoes plak..well i just love flat shoes..hmm all these reminds me of the latest Shopaholic book series, Mini Shopaholic which I have already complete reading it last Friday..Now, I'm wondering...Am I becoming  Becky the Shopaholic?..Naahhh, I know I'm not..Still under control ok..hehe...speaking about Mini Shopaholic, this book continues to make me laugh...even my hubby gives me looks when I laugh to myself reading it..It's hilarious and funny..How not to laugh...

PS:Today started to use the ankle strap shoes to work..feels like my feet aches wearing it....Having a BIG feet is such a problem..urgghhhhh!!

To my soon-to-be-married-loose-cousin

I read my cousin's blog often now. It's nice to read about what she writes on her wedding prepration..and she actually updates every single thing..from wedding clothes to getting the surat nikah signed..it's good to see how things are going on well for her..and I pray to Allah hope that she will lead a happy,prosperous life with her soon-to-be-hubby..I don't think I'm the right person to advice her on marriage life since my marriage has just turned 4 months old few days ago...I;m still new at this too...anyway,  I still want to say few things to you, cousin..all i want you is to be prepared for your life that's going to change totally..marriage life has it's ups and downs..once you're marriage, you status don't just change to "wife" but also daughter in law, sister in law, etc..be prepared to take hold of the responsibilities(don't worry, Insya Allah you will be able too)..prepared to share every single thing with your husband..respect, tolerate, love and care..you should have this towards your hubby and same goes for him..and remember no one is perfect..and don't have expectations and you will be less disappointed(this one my hubby said to me before our marriage)..prepared to accept your in laws just like your family...there definitely will be certain things which you may not like..but you must be patient with everything..and never ever say anything without thinking twice..think wisely before saying some thing..especially to your hubby..just be sure not to hurt him or anyone..just smile, be happy, show your love and care to your hubby and in laws..don't bother what other people say or think because at the end of the day, it's going to be just you and him(this one also my hubby said to me before our marriage..hehe)..Insya Allah with both your parents blessings and Allah's blessings, both of you will have a happy life together...and jgn pendam everything inside..if there';s anything, talk to someone whom you can trust...and I think the best person to talk to is mother..mum always knows what to say and understands better than anyone else and will keep secrets..hehe..so just go with the flow, have faith and pray to Allah..my dearest loose cousin, i conclude by saying...WISH YOU ALL THE BEST AND HAVE FUN!!! ;p

PS: i think this is the 2nd entry i'm writing about you..seeeee..you have such a nice, wonderful cousin..the BEST cousin in the world..:p

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mission #2

1) Pretzel*ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

2) Maggi

 3) Roti Jala with thick chicken curry *ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

yes! Mission number 2 accomplished..i met V2 and Klai last Sunday at Sunway Pyarmid after months of planning, canceling and postponing our meet ups...it was really good to see them after so long...we were just catching up on what's going on each others life..had vegetarian ice-creams at Kindori since both of them are vegetarian for the Thaipusam and had lunch at this nice interior but bad service restaurant..not sure what's the name of it..food was ok la..V2 ordered plain spaghetti and it tasted way better than my penne arabiatta..it was tasteless..so we are so not going again to this restaurant...and this didn't bring down my mood just because of one reason..PRETZEL!..i know I will be getting my hands on the hot, freshly baked pretzel on that day..just can't wait to taste the almond pretzel with caramel..mmmm mmmmmmm..and boy, it was really good..enjoyed the rest of it at home and i just remembered i still have some in refrigerator at home..must remind myself to reheat it tomorrow and bring it to office :)...after that we just did some shopping..Err, actually V2 did some shopping..I was doing window shopping and controlling myself not to buy anything..haha..

PS: there's one last mission to go :P

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mission #1

1) Pretzel

2) Maggi

 3) Roti Jala with thick chicken curry *ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!*

It was yesterday i posted that one of my cravings is roti jala with chicken curry..and today I already fulfill my desire..hehe..I planned to go to parent's home after work today...just to meet mum and return back her cooking pots that she used to tapau food for me and hubby..while driving to work this morning, it crossed my mind that it's Friday today and my lunch is around 2 hours..so i decided to go there during lunch hours..called my mum and informed her and alsoooooo..requested her to make roti jala for me since she cooks chicken curry on Friday's..she knows about my cravings and she agreed to do it :D...when i reached home, i just couldn't wait to taste the roti jala...woahh, it was so yummy and delicious..really enjoyed eating it while chit chatting with mum..this really made "hatiku gembira"...lalalalalala..thank you so much Ma..You're the best!! Love you so much!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's been such a long time I've been craving for: 

1) Pretzel

2) Maggi

and today, adding to the list, 

 3) Roti Jala with thick chicken curry

after one of my colleague, Apiz mentioned about it this morning..hehe..

No Appetite

Yesterday, one of our vendor took us for lunch at Pizza Hut..you have no idea how much I love pizza besides MCD...since last week, I don't have appetite to eat...I get hungry but after few spoons of food, I feel want to puke and i couldn't eat more..so I have  tried having one of my favorite food which is pizza..and the feeling is still the same.. the smell of the pizza itself makes me wanna puke..even the image of the MCD prosperity burgers on TV makes me wanna vomit too!!..can you imagine that..being a MCD lover and feeling this way is totally abnormal to me :P...much to my surprise,my boss agreed to belanja Kak L, Zam, and I secret recipe cakes..and 3 of us favorite secret recipe cake is chocolate indulgence..Sadly,I  forced myself to finish the cake but could only take half of it and threw away the remaining :(...I found out I'm able to take milo, cream crackers and my tongue is itching for sour taste like lime, asam..all these sounds like something right..but then for some reason it can't be happening right now..after..hmm...just not putting any hope into it..and trying not to think about it too much..Insya Allah, soon it will happen :)..anyway this wanna-vomit-feeling was really making me uneasy..so after days of struggling, it seems like my appetite is back to normal..since last night's dinner..after eating sardin sambal...my father in law cooked it and it tasted really good..wasn't spicy but it had the sour taste..so maybe that's why i was able to eat last night..even for today's breakfast, i had egg sandwich and a piece of the "green roll kuih with gula melaka coconut filling" ( i don't know what you call it la) and there was no puke feeling!..so I guess it's already okay now..have to see how it goes for the next few days..by the way, if you're wondering about my father in law cooking, yeah, he cooks..and he's a good cook..his specialty is briyani..super sedap!!..a must try :D)

Memories of the Past-Good and Bad

While I was stuck in the traffic jam this morning, I was listening to THR raaga and the song "Indian Gals" by Yogi B and Natchatra was playing. right away my mind did a query and connect to my "brain database" and found the accurate memory data( not sure what with this programming language :P)...Rewinding my mind back to university years...I remembered when I was on stage with one of my bestie, V2 and some bunch of other unknown indian gals joining Yogi B and Natchatra singing "Indian Gals"...It was actually some function held by Tenaga Nasional Indian community...The organizers wanted a team consists of Malay, Indian and Chinese to be in charge during the function..so V2 asked me and another friend of mine to be the usherer and we we were advised to dress up in traditional clothes-baju kurung..okay  I was excited because I liked this band and they were so famous at that time..so watching them performing live was a really nice experience. moreover the people who attended were families of Tenaga Nasional staffs. so it was basically a very decent crowd..but what I didn't expect was,  to be dragged by my friend to go on stage with the performers. I was like, NO!...dah la pakai baju kurung...i guess they needed multiracial group of gals on the stage as well..haha..when I realize, I was already on the stage...adui!..I was so relieved when the song ended and I quickly went down the stage stairs..I do like their songs la but being on stage while they singing..ishhh..will never let such thing happen again..didn't tell anyone about this either..haha..anyway I don't go to concerts so I won't have problems like these anymore..hehe....whenever i hear this song on radio, I will remember this event..what I miss, is the moments I spent with my friends..Fun and enjoyable..there are a lot of sweet memories...I missed all those so much..missed the times when me, Asy and Azah took a cab and when to watch ocean's 11( or was it 12??) and that was the first and last I'm seating on the front row..my neck got cramped after that..missed when  my friends and I bought food and shared with each other..missed the gossips..missed listening to Raghav's song(introduced to me by miss Asy)..missed the first time going for midnight show..missed study group(it was more like a gossip group..haha)..missed walking to class which was not a near distance..missed celebrating all of my friends birthday...missed the food in UP10(seriously, yes)..missed that burger stall that sold very delicious, scrumptious cheese burger with black pepper sauce..missed having conversation with Klai over the microphone when she was just staying next room to mine..haha..missed downloading songs and movies from the local intranet websites( there were so many local intranet websites created by my university students.you could get all those latest movies, clear copy!..and songs from english to arabic, korean, etc..)..missed etc, etc, etc..there are so many la..and these is on uni life..I haven't' mention form 6 life...acting in a school drama for the first time, choir singing-on ABBA songs..holding high posts in school clubs( and people actually knew who I was..kinda famous la unlike when I was in lower secondary..haha)...catching insects for Biology project( that was really fun! and speaking about these insects catching, this was when my "wonderful" friends knocked at Mr.S's house, just to see how he looks like..haha..my form 6 friends will know what I'm talking about here)...and then etc,etc,etc..all these puts a smile on my face..makes me laugh to myself..but of course behind all those good, sweet, funny and wonderful memories, there are bad, "disaster" ones...thinking about that now, there were certain things that I wish I didn't do or I didn't say or didn't happen..but I'm just a normal human being.. I made lots of mistakes..but mistakes which I didn't and will never repeat again..mistakes that taught me to be wiser and made me a better person..so in a way I;m glad I made those mistakes..I'm glad for those bad memories..like the saying goes, "Ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian"...So here I am now, with all these memories in mind that have helped me to pull through everything and keeps me going..enjoying every past memories and every moment..:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chef of the day

goes to Mr.HUBBY!!!...LOL..Yesterday, for dinner, i called mr. hubby and informed him that I will cook tonight. Even though the day before we ate fish for lunch and dinner, i had to cook fish again since that's what's left in the fridge.. minutes later, he called and said to put back the fish in the fridge. I asked why. and he said, "baru semalam makan ikan, so i'll come and cook sambal ikan bilis..i'm already on my way back home"..I hung up with surprise feeling..my hubby is going to cook..fuyooo!..hehe..he was already back at home by 7.15pm, did some light exercise(he's trying his level best to trim his tummy), took his bath and went downstairs to the kitchen. after taking my bath, I went to the kitchen and he was busy peeling onions. I noticed he already soak the ikan bilis@anchovies in water. I was watching him preparing the sambal ikan bilis with full interest. He put whatever spices are there in the kitchen(fish curry powder, meat curry powder, etc). According to him, that's what he does..The ingredients were like a rojak!..He kept saying, "I don't know if it tastes nice..if it's not sorry la ye"...and then he said, "I never had any spectators watching me cooking..and now when i do, rase lain lak..hehe..I guess he is uncomfortable with me watching him. though he said he's ok with me being there while he's cooking, i decided to leave the kitchen and dry the clothes instead..After drying the clothes, I went to the kitchen again and he asked me 2 taste it..and not bad!!..not bad at all..it tasted nice..waited a while for the sambal to be fully cooked and then all of us had dinner together..I have to give credits to my hubby whom is willing to cook..most men will never do that..appreciate it syg!..looking forward 2 taste sambal sardin made by you!..hehe :P

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It's been 2 weeks since I last updated my blog..nothing much happened..just the usual thing..wake up in the morning, go to work, come back..and then weekend comes..and then it's back to the same old rutin..only difference now is that my life has became a part of him :)...our recent activities was the cinema and bowling...okay, it wasn't easy to persuade Mr.Hubby to go for bowling...his sister and husband was like "jom la jom la.." until die terpaksa agree to follow them..hehe..so off 4 of us and the family's first princess(his sister's baby :) went to the bowling alley in sunway pyramid..Mr. Hubby was not that bad in bowling...malu plak I whom have played bowling many times performed really bad on that day..sampai masuk longkang more than 3 times...hahaha..

Above is what I was supposed to post on the 3/12/10..that's like 1 month ago!!..and the entry tergantung!..I didn't finish what I wanted to say..Wow, am I that busy?..Seriously, I don't know..Sometimes I don't have time or mood to surf the net when I get back home from work..Not like there are too many chores to do..just the usual things which i used to do during the weekends: washing clothes and ironing. and that's not like everyday..or maybe I'm getting lazier..haha...or maybe i prefer to lay on bed, rest and wait for him to come back home...thinking of him..I still smile to myself whenever I look at him...It gives me "love at the first sight" feeling each time :)....well, that;s when I'm not upset or mad at him..haha..anyway, so there are many things I want to update-parents returning from Haj, vacation to mine and hubby's village in India, attending cousin's wedding over there, etc etc etc...so hopefully lah after this I will spend some time on my dearest blog :)